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Posts posted by mattsfalck

  1. Hi MCE,

    i just reinstalled mce after a full clean up with clean W10, p3d etc. and I've usel MCE before without these problems.

    My FO voices are quiet, although it follows My command, like executing flows, checklist reading etc. Other voices work like the mech. Even in the MCE Window when I try voices all are silent Clive, Bill etc and same here mech and purser working fine when I 'test voices'

    I've reinstalled many times to try to cure the voice, installing with admin rights, UAC on/off, different folders but in the end same result. I'm also having problems changing options in mce, clicking one of the boxes, the boxes aren't deslected. I can change options in ini file and save the changes. All the apps mce wizards are run with admin rights.

    Would be greatful for any advice!



  2. On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 11:57 AM, FS++ said:

    No need to re-install the sim, Windows or even MCE.

    Suggest the following...

    Load CS 737, wait until aircraft is ready to fly, engines running, then start MCE.

    Go to <Sim> tab in MCE user interface and see what the green text says. Should be "On ground Engine(s) running)".

    If not, maybe some issue with flight parameters (AP status and such) not getting to MCE.

    See this thread on why it's best to keep Windows UAC enabled and just set the ad-ons exe to run as admin.

    A lot of the gremlins are related to users disabling UAC (especially the registry hack that's supposed to disable it completely), with Microsoft giving them the illusion they did so, all while putting more protection into the operating system when it detects such move, and not telling you.

    Install MCE to default C:\Program Files (x86)\Multi Crew Experience\ folder and set "Prepar3D.exe" to run as admin.

    This will guarantee flawless communication between "Prepar3D.exe" and "mce.exe" which runs externally to the sim for better stability of the latter, and in 32 Bit simulator case, to prevent speech engine consuming valuable VAS memory.



    I have followed your advice, but SIM says on, ground all engines off, which is correct.
    UAC is set to off/low, so should be OK and P3d & FSX to run as administrator.
    Tried PMDG 737 and command works and gets correct values, but status quo on
    CS B737-200. Some things work, like setting a course on NAV 1/2, where MCE always get
    it right, but FLAPS, HDG, Altitude wont work. It works but not to the requested values.


  3. 9 hours ago, charlie130 said:

    Hello Matt's.

    After you get things sorted, following Gerald's instructions....

    For your question at point 5.

    You require the first officer to crank the engines and then do nothing.

    You could try the following commands, or ones similar. You could also make a flow where your command is something like "go ahead and crank one and two please"...

    ...enter commands as below, in the Vox Script, as commands.

    "Starter engage engine two"....FO engages starter......at n2 20%, you open fuel flow lever.

    Add a pause here...30 seconds.

    "Starter engage engine one"...FO engages starter ....at n2 20 %, you open fuel flow lever.

    If you don't want to put these in a flow, just speak the commands.

    Captain sim did some great simulations! Ones where we could use our MCE flight Engineer as well as a first officer. I would wish for them to continue to develop and enhance them for Prepar3d.....:happy:




    Hi Charlie,

    Thanks for your answer, and yes of course you are right. I didn't think of that
    myself, so great tip, I'll do my own flows!

    And yes Captain sim is the new favourite now, it's great to come back
    to some realy flying again ........ ;-)
    (got a bit bored with LNAV/VNAV & Autoland ........ he-he)




  4. 12 hours ago, FS++ said:

    Could be MCE not getting data from the simulator. Seeing Autopilot HDG, SPD and ALT at zero

    Suggest you install MCE to default C:\Program Files (x86)\Multi Crew Experience\  folder SND set simulator exe (fsx.exe, Prepar3D.exe) to run as administrator.

    If starting the sim via a launcher app like "SimnStarterNG", "FPS_Limiter" or other, the launcher app must be set to run as administrator, otherwise the sim wopn't be running as admin, even though ther option is ticked under files properties.

    Are you on FSX P3D V3 or P3D V4? 


    Thanks for hints!
    All your suggestion should have been set to your proposed values already, but I will do a clean un & re-install
    to see if things clear!
    (Also P3D is run as administrator and no external application starting the sim)
    I am on P3Dv4.


  5. Hi,

    I've just got MCE for a few days and still trying to learn MCE features. 

    I have some questions and it seems to be related to this panel Captain Sim B737-200.

    1)     When I ask the FO to set a heading for example "Set heading 2 2 0" I can see
    that MCE understand the command, because it is showing by text "Set heading 2 2 0"
    ............. but when it is executed it doesn't stop at 2 2 0, instead it turns for 1 or 2 rounds
    until it finally stops, but not at the value which was requested.

    2)     It is actually the same when I ask for "Altitude / FL" it goes all the way to 40000 ft or 0 ft
    keeps rotating although the gauge numbers stops there.

    3) Same thing for flaps it is either fully up or down, even though I asked for lets say FLAPS 5

    4)      I think the checklist is slightly wrong for that plane (more likely to be a -300) , but I've understood I can customize it
    to my needs, so should be something which I could solve myself.

    5)      When asking for engine start, the FO rotate the starter - wait until N2 20% and then also engage fuel lever
    which normally should be done by the Capt. Is there a way to change the procedure not to engage the fuel lever to idle?

    (I did tests with PMDG B737 at the same position/airport with set heading, altitude/FL & Flaps, and everything worked,
    so it seems to be a panel related issue)


    Would appreciate some hints how to solve it! Thanks!






  6. Hi There,


    Got the reboot, but haven't had time to use it yet, but I take for granted

    it's good as the others.


    Just wanted to see if it was possible to link different airlines to the SOP's

    in reboot.


    SOP1 => Southwest?


    SOP2 => ?


    SOP3 => Ryanair



    Does anybody know which SOP's are used in different 737 operators?


    KLM? SAS? etc.





  7. Hi Brian,



    I am also an addicted FS2crew, I have realized I don't buy panels if

    FS2crew isn't availible.

    One thing though I am a bit sceptic about is the automatic Fasten seat belts

    off @ 10000 ft. It is not always appropriate and I think it should be manual/capt's






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