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Posts posted by FDEdev

  1. 2 hours ago, Prpn said:

    Heck, even in the videos posted by @FDEdev and yourself, I see signs of that kind of flying.

    This comment from an experienced airline pilot like you are leaves me speechless. I couldn't disagree more. 

  2. On 1/4/2024 at 8:04 AM, Prpn said:

    I have flown a lot in gusty crosswind conditions, and never have I been moving the yoke around like I see some Youtube/social media pilots (real and otherwise) do in their videos. You may need an occasional quick and strong reaction to the wind but afterwards it is slow and steady again.

    I don't know what kind of gusty conditions you have encountered, but I definitely dont' agree.  

    And if this wasn't impressive enough, check this one and watch the speed tape.



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  3. Just checked the series 20 manual and the warning should always come on below 70% N1. So the sim is correct.

    That said, on a jet engine 70% RPM (N1) equals ~30% thrust and not 70% power.



  4. Ah! The gear warning. Just checked the series 30 manual and the warning shouldn't come on below 15000ft at all. Below that at ~55% N1, which is a pretty low thrust setting. Well below 50%, let alone 70%.

    And thank you for your kind words of course 🙂 

  5. On 1/3/2024 at 4:05 PM, newtie said:

    Another complaint solved was I couldn't get the aircraft to slow down at 70% power without spoilers while descending. The trick here which more experienced pilots know is you have to be right on the money at your descent waypoints, not above and still descending.

    The 'trick' is to descend at idle thrust, not 70% power! No speedbrakes of course. Most jets usually descend at idle.  


  6. On 12/11/2023 at 12:13 AM, jcomm said:

    I still plan to use some addons to try to practice these modern techniques of IFR, but time lacks ...

    Until this day I've never seen or operated a GPS in an airplane. When I started flying for the airlines there were only VORs and NDBs. 

    Flying an SID out of Paris required multiple radial interceptions with multiple VORs.

    A few decades later I found out the the A320 can't even track a VOR radial!

    In every sim I still used only VORs and NDBs and I LOVE the large RMIs and HSI. A dream compared to the mice cinema size glass displays.




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  7. On 12/10/2023 at 3:17 AM, jcomm said:

    I have to be honest with myself and simply accept that MFS 2020 is INDEED the best that happened to desktop flight simulation in the last 10+ years.

    Thank you for your kind words 🙂 and I fully agree.  MSFS IS definitely the best what happened to desktop flight simulation.

    If x-plane, Aerofly or DCS would be even remotely comparable, especially regarding immersion, I would have installed one of these.

    I'm pretty sure that I will buy MSFS 2024. 🙂 🙂




  8. 10 hours ago, jcomm said:

    I think this is one of the most rewarding years I've been able to enjoy in terms of flight simulators and my passion for them 🙂

    I'm almost jealous. MSFS was such a disappointment for me from a simulation POV, that this was the first year in more than 40 years without simming!

    But at least I found something close, and I'm  thinking about using these models for MSFS 2024....if there's a substantial improvement over MSFS 2020.

    Bernt Stolle - Art for Sale | Fine Art America

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  9. On 12/4/2023 at 1:02 PM, Farlis said:

    When you want to talk about real life 95% of approaches will be flown manually. The Autopilot usually gets switched off at around 1500ft AGL. At that is both Autopilot and Autothrust.

    That depends a lot on the airplane. E.g. on the 767 manual flying with autothrottle doesn't work nicely. Airbus on the other hand encourages the pilots on e.g. the A320 to always fly with autothrust. 


  10. 2 hours ago, Jim Robinson said:

    I don't see where it's adversely affected the flight model.

    Again, it DOES adversely affect the flight model! 

    E.g. when you are moving the passengers to the 'correc' left/right off-center distance, the 560 will start rolling if the passengers are not distributed equally. This doesn't happen IRL.

    If you change the forward/aft position you are ruining the realistic CG / trim relationship and you might run out of elevator trim, etc. etc.

    Any change you make, makes the 560 less realistic and under some conditions maybe even unflyable. 



  11. 2 hours ago, Jim Robinson said:

    What is up with these station loads on the 560XL?

    DON'T change the station loads. FSX/P3D are exaggerating all off-CG weights a lot. These numbers have been chosen to replicate the real loading of the aircraft.

    The same goes for the C90 (and most other Carenado/Alabeo aircraft)

  12. 29 minutes ago, Or8e4m4n said:

     I read somewhere that there is an anti-theft system, but don't know if it is a real word features (such as a spring) or something against piracy...

    Piracy. Usually there are no anti-theft systems in any aircraft.

  13. 5 hours ago, Dominique_K said:

     Only a simmer like @FDEdev could  comment if not the alpha implementation at least what Asobo has made public,  but since he has been inducted in the alpha elite, he has made himself scarce (hint, hint😄).

    The reason for my 'absence' is easy. There's a lot to test and discover in the new sim, so that there's very little time left for a second forum if you take alpha testing serious. 🙂

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