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Posts posted by 748Guy

  1. 58 minutes ago, dmiannay said:

    Thanks for the comments, folks.  I understand the sinking issue, but it was up to the wheel axles on the nose and mains, so very extreme with this scenery.  I went ahead and deactivated the "VHHH Terrain" component and the bleed issue is completely gone, but so is some of the other eye candy T2G included with their scenery in the greater Hong Kong area.  The airport is 100% complete and looks great, so this works for now.

    I use Chaseplane for my camera, Dan... so I'll have to dig a bit deeper to see how this might be the problem.

    I had a similar problem with my wheels "sinking" into the terrain. I fixed it by ensuring that the airport scenery (VHHH) sits in a higher priority than the VHHH-TERRAIN folder. Like this


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  2. I'd be willing to bet that if there has been an issue, it relates to the new website; it seemed that the 747-9i herself was ready to go.

    Launching a new website alongside a new product sounds like a good idea in theory, but launching a new, untried website during a time when you'll experience some of the highest volumes of traffic and orders.. .probably not a bulletproof idea.

  3. 4 minutes ago, rsrandazzo said:


    We get by by with a TON of inventiveness and ingenuity because we have been at this a long time and we know what we are looking for, and how to create interpolated data to fill in gaps.

    Some stuff, like runway analysis, is quite a bit harder to obtain and is closely controlled by the companies that provide it.  Most people don't realize that even if you go and win the lottery and buy yourself a 747, you are probably going to spend in the neighborhood of $120,000-$240,000/month on data.  Maintenance data, parts tracking data, navigation data, performance data, planning data, runway analysis...  The costs are sky-high.

    I have an existing relationship with an analysis firm that provides the runway analysis for my flying operation and even for a snotty little 30 year old light jet, the data costs alone are more than the monthly payments on a nice car.

    So- we can do wonders with interpolation- but when it comes to something as location specific as runway analysis- it just isn't worth the effort at this juncture- especially given that most folks would never touch it anyway.


    Wow! Interesting to get some insight on the topic. Seems that experience in developing these simulations goes far beyond simply coding work...

    Had no idea that expenses would look like that for data. 

    Well, I'll be sure to do my part in making sure PMDG sees a return on their investments. 

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  4. 41 minutes ago, bmccumiskey said:

    Alright guys. What flight should I do this weekend 😄 But seriously what hop should I fly? Doing short hops in the 748 would be lit. @rsrandazzo Please don't market it for $325,000,000 😂

    Whatever route you plan on flying, I wouldn't be quick to say the type will be "748"

  5. 3 minutes ago, Chapstick said:

    Eh, as much as I love PMDG I feel like we've heard this before and it doesn't end up happening. Same thing with SP2 for the NGX and the 777-200ER. It sounds like more projects that'll get sidelined and eventually forgotten about.


    Alex Pugh

    Hope this isn't the case. The 777 holds a near and dear place in my heart. Haven't been flying it since I switched to P3D. If some of these effects were ported to the 777, I'd totally buy it for P3D and be flying it again.

    Fear it may happen though.

  6. 2 hours ago, scandinavian13 said:

    It's being left behind?

    I don't entirely agree with him that the "777 is being left behind," but from a consumer perspective I can see why he may think that.

    Personally, between the 747-400 and the 777, I'd rather be flying the 777. But, I've been spending all of my time in the 747 because it's simply more immersive. Tons of small details were added to the 74 like better turbulence, bumps while taxiing, PNF callouts for airspeed alive and positive rate, etc.. small immersion items. All things that I'm sure may be ported over to the T7 in due time.


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  7. 14 hours ago, exstense said:

    It seems to me that you are advertising for a different brand. To me, that seems inappropriate.

    I'm a fan of competition. I want PMDG to look at what other devs may be doing that is new, cutting edge and exciting, and say, "Hmmm... what [insert development team here] is doing is winning customers over. How can we match and perhaps exceed it?"

    Through that line of thinking, entire industries prosper and the consumers receive quality products.

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  8. Outsider here, who doesn't really frequent this world of simulations much.

    Ladies & Gents, just remember that the 747-8i release is bringing many new groundbreaking features to the world of simming, and PMDG is renowned for high quality, true to life aircraft. This level of hype and thirst for news is to be expected for a release of the -8i's stature.

    I'm no marketing expert, nor am I inclined in any what whatsoever to call PMDG's marketing shots, but maybe some more news or teasers would do well for them.

    On the other hand, PMDG seems to lay more along the lines of, "speak softly and carry a big stick." when it comes to their products. This, like all marketing strategies, is a double edged sword. There's much less accountability for release dates and things of the such, but you'll get incessant probes for information from the community, almost daily.

    Oh well. More than likely, work continues and the 8i will be released sometime™. All we can do is patiently wait.


    -Spencer Yackee

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