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Posts posted by Pablojc

  1. I also wanted to ask if PMDG's customer service is as bad as they are showing me?

    I have sent them 3 emails in almost a month to see if they can help me solve the problem of hot brakes on the 737-900 when starting cold and dark and I have not received a response.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I recently bought the 737-900 (MSFS2020) and I have a problem that every time I try to fly, the brakes are always hot and the plane doesn't move unless I bring the throttles to 80%. I also have the 737-700 and this does not happen.

    I already wrote to PMDG support (two weeks ago) but I have not received a response. I think they are not very good at customer service.

    Thanks to whoever can help me.

  3. Hi Andrew, more doubts.

    After installing FSIUPC7, LINDA for MSFS and the module for PMDG 737-700, none of the buttons or switches are recognized on the aircraft panel. Is it necessary to have the paid version of FSUIPC7 for it to work?

    Thanks for your reply.

  4. Hello Pilots.

    Before, with my MFSX I used the Saitek panels and pedals and with LINDA and FSUIPC I could configure all the buttons and levers and other functionalities. I would like to know, if now with these new developments, I can use my SAITEK panels and levers with the MSFS2020 and PMDG 737-700?

    Thanks and best regards.

  5. Buenas tardes a todos.

    Hace poco mas de 3 meses tuve que reinstalar el PMDG 737 y me acabo de dar cuenta que ya no me muestra la estela de condensacion cuando estoy en altitudes superiores a los FL300. Instale todo como siempre pero no se que podra ser.

    En el 747 y 777 si me salen por lo que pienso que podria ser algun archivo dañado o faltante?..

    Espero sus comentarios y gracias por adelantado.

  6. 7 hours ago, Gnacino said:

    I've used several panels GF,CH, and Saitek.  By accident, I found a solution,  I have to set a button to on, on the APU, and another button to start, then it will go to start but not without setting it on "on" first..


    I have it set to 1 button in my Saitek throttle quadrant in this way in LINDA:

    On Press-
    QW OH ELE APU start

    On Release-
    QW OH ELE APU on

    I hope it helps you.


  7. On 7/17/2018 at 10:59 AM, Gnacino said:

    Hi, Thanks for the module.  I have LINDA 3.07 everything is fine except one small item.  The APU start function.  No mater what button I assign, it will not move to the start, it will go to the off, but not the start.  I have QW OH ELE APU start, selected for the switch function.  I'm using FSX-SE on Win 7 64bit.

    Thanks very much


    Hi Gnacino,

    What type of external panel are you using to assign the buttons or switch?

    In my case, I turn on the APU with my Saitek witch panel and it works fine.

  8.   Hello everyone,

    Another error that must be corrected in Linda_action.lua is:

    - $$ Runway Light Both

    function QW_OH_LT_Both_RWYTF_on ()
         QW_OH_LT_L_RWYTF_on ()
         QW_OH_LT_R_RWYTF_on ()

    function QW_OH_LT_Both_RWYTF_off ()
         QW_OH_LT_L_RWYTF_off () The original is ON
         QW_OH_LT_R_RWYTF_off () the original is ON


  9. 7 hours ago, ScotFlieger said:

    The problem is linked to my adding the switch sounds to the QW787 module v0.2 beta. Download and install LINDA 3.0.6 to correct the delay issue. Let me know how you get on.

    UPDATE: There are some delays in QW787 switch operations, especially, when you operate them in quick succession (as is possible with the Switch Panel). This is because extra ipc.sleep() delays have had to be added to ensure the switches operate correctly. All inputs will be queued and actioned in order.

    With Linda 3.0.6 now everything works Ok.

    Thanks for your support.



  10. 2 hours ago, ScotFlieger said:

    Hi Pablo

    I found an error in a switch line call that was delaying the Landing light operation. This will be fixed in next release.

    If you experience any other 'delayed' responses please follow the fault diagnosis thread procedure (to active Verbose logging) and email me the fsuipcX.log file. Errors are displayed in read and include line numbers that will point me straight to any processing errors.

    Hi Andrew,

    fsuipcX.log file send.

    The delay problem, is with all buttons and switches. Pressing several buttons in succession increases the response delay.

    Again, thank you for your time.



  11. 10 hours ago, ScotFlieger said:

    What functions have you allocated to the Switch Panel? Please email me your config-hid.lua file in /modules/linda-cfg/Aircraft/qw787 to LINDA @ awginfosys.net (without spaces). 

    I already sent the file.


  12. Hi Andrew

    First of all, thanks for this update for the QW-787.

    I recently installed it and everything is fine but after assigning buttons and switches in my Saitek panels, I have 4 seconds of delay in the execution.
    What could be happening?

    I'm using Linda v3.05, W7-64 / FSX

    Thanks in advance.

  13. Hello everyone
    My solution was the recommended one:

    Load NGX DEFAULT, then turn off the entire aircraft as cold and dark and create a new State Panel called "NEW CLDDRK". Save and place the new Panel Status ("NEW CLDDRK") in "STARTUP STATE" so that when you start the 737 load your new Cold and Dark custom.

    It's very simple, and the best ... IT WORKS !!


    English by Google translator

  14. Hello Guenseli, thank you for your continuous and hard work in the development of this tool.

    As you may know, the new QualityWinds 787 is a reality and it is wonderful to fly it.
    Do you think it is possible to create the LINDA module for this plane ?. Thank you very much for your consideration.


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