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  1. Thanks, it's stock yes and that'll teach me to not back things up first.
  2. I know, I wasn't thinking, mea culpa I guess. Still, I'll try that and see what happens. I'm pretty sure that the EH101 always was missing those though as if I recall correctly shift 1 and 2 did nothing.
  3. Hey, I was trying to install the cougar autopilot for the EH101 and at first it didn't work, the files were in the right place but I hadn't done the config file right, now I have it working but I seem to have broken the shift-4 mini panel, it's in the config but it isn't showing up in the sim. I've dropped my config file below and I'm hoping somebody could point out where I went wrong? Well, I know -what- I did wrong, I copied a block from a forum over it and I didn't do a backup so I'm more hoping that somebody will show me how to fix it. EH101 [Window Titles] Window02=GPS Window03=Minipanel Window04=Autopilot //-------------------------------------------------------- [Window02] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=456,378 position=8 visible=0 ident=GPS_PANEL window_size=0.5 gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0 //-------------------------------------------------------- [Window03] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=456,378 position=7 visible=1 ident=MINIPANEL window_size=0.4,0.4 alpha_blend=0.7 gauge00=EH101!EH101_MFD,0,0,456,378, PFD //-------------------------------------------------------- [Window04] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=300,300 window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0 visible=1 ident=80 window_size= 0.300, 0.330 window_pos= 0.700, 0.360 gauge00=AS532AFCP!AFCP,0,130,300,131,afcp.cfg gauge01=AS532AFCP!Annunciator,0,0,300,130 gauge02=HAP!HAP,193,132,8,8,ap1.cfg //-------------------------------------------------------- [Vcockpit01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=1024,1024 visible=1 pixel_size=1024,1024 texture=$EH101_01 gauge00=EH101!EH101_MFD,6,7,280,230, PFD gauge01=EH101!EH101_MFD,293,7,280,230, MFD gauge02=EH101!EH101_EICAS,6,243,350,256, LEFT gauge03=EH101!EH101_EICAS,6,507,350,256, RIGHT gauge04=EH101!EH101_DEFIG,361,243,210,115 gauge05=EH101_map!radio,588,335,190,240 gauge06=EH101_map!radio,805,335,190,240 gauge07=eh101_map!eh101_map,579,7,425,320
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