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Posts posted by ggerolamo

  1. On 2/8/2024 at 12:35 PM, SteveW said:

    Ideal Flight S - native P3D v6 install - installs outside the sim (Flight 1).

    Small side question:
    Can I also use Ideal Flight S with "Active Sky" weather ? From what I've read, this program uses its own "weather generator" - can you replace it with active sky (best generator ever) ?

    I would be really interested in the answer 

    • Like 1

  2. 2 hours ago, Beardyman said:

    Right now i do not fly Concorde cause my computer is not that powerful as yours, and it seems that FSL need a lot of time to improve performance ( if ever ... )

    Secondly - i simply cannot stand how badly this plane looks - the most beautiful plane ever created is done in such way that it is pain to look at her.

    Regarding low forum activity - I think people gave up and waiting until FSL mercifully fix and improve things.

    I can only agree with that! I bought the FSL Concorde on the first day (for the 2nd time by the way ;-))
    But I am not at all enthusiastic about the outdated graphics, the 'obligated' copilot and especially the performance !
    I didn't even feel like going through the tutorial flight!
    That's why I never used the Concorde again (! Obviously nobody at FSL really cares about these problems !!!
    For me: never again FSL !
    This airplane in its current state (I don't think it will change that soon - if ever) is really not usable for me !
    I think most others feel the same way - and gave up.....


    • Like 3

  3. According to the product description on simmarket:
    Included in the package

    3 years access to the WebSimConnect SVS Cloud service providing nine arc-second SVS database of the terrain for the entire planet.

    ...maybe that's your problem !?




  4. 27 minutes ago, vjeanmarc said:

    Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous continuez à intervenir dans ce post puisque ce logiciel ne semble pas vous intéresser.
    J’ai créé ce post uniquement pour informer et non pour attirer des individus qui émettent des ondes négatives.
    Alors s’il vous plaît polluez plus ici

    Please hold back with your cheeky and word not allowed comments !!!
    Unfortunately, I own this little piece of software, and therefore know exactly what I am writing about here!
    To have to wait years for a promised update is simply an impertinence!
    (Next time write in English - like all the others)

  5. 2 hours ago, RRVyper said:

    ...api appears unchanged and it would be a trivial task to add P3Dv6 support to the previous version.

    That's exactly the problem, apart from the cheeky price (without discount for previous owners), I find it absurd that I have to have 2 different versions installed (which obviously don't differ functionally at all) when I use p3dv5 and p3dv6 !
    Given this fact, I really can not support this rip-off on the part of //42 !
    Please find someone else stupid, but certainly not me !!!!
    (I just hope this kind of ripoff is not a procedure for other developers)

    • Upvote 1

  6. 14 minutes ago, fnav77 said:

    PMDG 777: Yes, with registry hack. Textures limitations...

    PMDG 737: Yes, with registry hack. Textures limitations...

    PMDG 747:  Yes, with registry hack. Textures limitations...


    But I have heard the weather radar does not work at all !?
    PMDG itself also claim that p3dv6 is not compatible with their products !
    What is true now ?


  7. 8 hours ago, adam77 said:

    So Microsoft says yes, then its allowed. 

    Now please stop spreading such BS for once !!!!
    As often said, only stupid speculations and misinterpretations from you !
    Slowly, someone should really stop you here on avsim !

    • Like 4

  8. 8 hours ago, Greggy_D said:

    That’s unfortunate for LM because they are going to lose thousands of unpaid testers (us) in the process.

    Sorry, I hope you are not serious now :-)
    You don't really believe that a 'few' hobby simulator pilots are really important for the professional military project of LM ?!
    I have to take away this illusion now ....




  9. 57 minutes ago, PavlinS said:

    By my opinion v6 has one VERY SIGNIFICANT improvement - and that improvement is called Unreal Engine 5. That is something freaking worth to be celebrated. Because it marks the end of an era. 

    Sorry, but this statement is total nonsense !!!!

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  10. So I personally, after reading many many posts, don't see a single plausible reason why I should update to 5.4 !
    The only possible reason: always be up to date !
    My current opinion with a stable 5.3 version: never change a running system 😁


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  11. 1 minute ago, turbomax said:

    guys, tell me why is anybody still using P3D in year 3 after MSFS, except for multi-monitor support, some specific aircraft that might only be available for P3D or historic weather? performance wise I am seeing ca. 70 fps with most settings at Max at 4K in both sims, (MSFS even twice that with NVidia FrameGeneration enabled), especially since P3D comes with nearly no useful GA or airliner aircraft.

    This is unfortunately the wrong thread for this !
    Please read Topic !

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  12. 7 hours ago, Skywolf said:

    Looks like those guys are reading this thread.  I have opusfsx for fsx/p3d (32bit) and will get v6 plus msfs one as it is on sale.

    From what I have read, OpusFSI is primarily a 'weather machine' !?

    The question is:
    is the 'weather engine' compatible at all with all addons (FSLABS,MAJESTIC,PMDG, LEONARDO,...) !?
    Can the respective weather radar display the data from OpusFSI at all ?

    Are EA and Volumetric Clouds supported ?

    I think the change is not that easy - or can the 'weather engine' be deactivated ?
    You see: Questions about questions 😉

    Can someone answer this !



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