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About ggerolamo

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  1. Small side question: Can I also use Ideal Flight S with "Active Sky" weather ? From what I've read, this program uses its own "weather generator" - can you replace it with active sky (best generator ever) ? I would be really interested in the answer regards ggerolamo
  2. I can only agree with that! I bought the FSL Concorde on the first day (for the 2nd time by the way ;-)) But I am not at all enthusiastic about the outdated graphics, the 'obligated' copilot and especially the performance ! I didn't even feel like going through the tutorial flight! That's why I never used the Concorde again (! Obviously nobody at FSL really cares about these problems !!! For me: never again FSL ! This airplane in its current state (I don't think it will change that soon - if ever) is really not usable for me ! I think most others feel the same way - and gave up..... regards ggerolamo
  3. According to the product description on simmarket: . . . Included in the package 3 years access to the WebSimConnect SVS Cloud service providing nine arc-second SVS database of the terrain for the entire planet. . . . ...maybe that's your problem !? regards ggerolamo
  4. Wow, thank you very much for your efforts 🙂 Pm follows 😉 regards ggerolamo
  5. After some trial and error I noticed that my page file size was too small - after I enlarged the file - at least it works without crashing ! Fslabs definitely needs to improve the memory management !
  6. Please hold back with your cheeky and word not allowed comments !!! Unfortunately, I own this little piece of software, and therefore know exactly what I am writing about here! To have to wait years for a promised update is simply an impertinence! (Next time write in English - like all the others)
  7. i imminent release since 11th February 2021 ! 😂😆😄 latest comment from the video (27.06.2023) : 'The estimated release date of this version is around the end of June 2023/beginning of July 2023' 😏 forget the whole thing....
  8. That's exactly the problem, apart from the cheeky price (without discount for previous owners), I find it absurd that I have to have 2 different versions installed (which obviously don't differ functionally at all) when I use p3dv5 and p3dv6 ! Given this fact, I really can not support this rip-off on the part of //42 ! Please find someone else stupid, but certainly not me !!!! (I just hope this kind of ripoff is not a procedure for other developers)
  9. Sorry, but this asking price for an almost unchanged product (minus p3dv4,p3dv5 support) is really outrageous ! Thanks for nothing ....
  10. Thanks for the info ! That's exactly what I suspected 😞 Without working weather radar this definitely makes no sense to me....
  11. But I have heard the weather radar does not work at all !? PMDG itself also claim that p3dv6 is not compatible with their products ! What is true now ?
  12. Now please stop spreading such BS for once !!!! As often said, only stupid speculations and misinterpretations from you ! Slowly, someone should really stop you here on avsim !
  13. Please not this guy! Unfortunately, he is just a babbler, most of his statements result only from absurd speculations and misjudgements...
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