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Everything posted by poliver

  1. Hi everyone, Recently, I ended up with a situation where the hard drive I kept the paint kit for the PMDG 737-800NGX (along with repaint projects) was damaged and the files are unfortunately irrecoverable. I tried contacting PMDG to see if they could assist, but unfortunately, I was told that it was not possible and that they have effectively removed everything 737NGX related from their servers. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to get a copy of the paint kit for the 737-800NGX (not the NGXu), as most of my repaints and flying is done on the 737. Surely there has to be some way to still get a hold of it. After all, it's still possible obtain copies of programs that I used on the good old Commodore 64!😀 Regards, Paul
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