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  1. The fmc add-on is not the best solution. Your choice of PMDG545-400v2 is most likely the best solution since it is integrated with the product. I do not have the 747 but I do have PMDG737NGX and it is far superior to the universal add on. You do not need to subscribe to Navigraph with it. (online statement) PMDG is coming out with a new 747-400v3 soon I have been told. The reason for purchase of payware aircraft is to become familiar with the fmc unit. I have 777 addon with lnav and vnav controls fmc unit that sort of records stuff and controls speed I don't think it does much else. If that plane had standard fmc it would be great plane to learn fmc. If someone has first hand experience with these aircraft and knowledge of new plane. Which aircraft to purchase. Different brand and aircraft? What other programs are required to input flight plans, etc. Other items beside online flight planner. Thanks gh77
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