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Posts posted by styggron

  1. Thank you so much for your reply.

    1. It is a real pity re the Spitfire control. I was hoping to have them all sitting there watching them taxi and take off. It seems to work with large taildragers such as Aircraft Factory Avro Anson, but not the Spitfire. Maybe one day there might be a utility etc to allow this to work better. Thank you very much for that.

    As you say and as I have discovered, the only real way is for me to take off and then create the AI following me. I wish there was a way of giving them a plan to follow once I select "release AI" though. My plan was to fly around duxford UK in formation and then when I am ready to land, for me to "release" the AI and for them to land in the same airport. When I release the AI they just fly off to an unknown destination.

    2. I will try my created flight plan from littlenavmap again because I normally make these and load them into FSX without a problem. There seemed to be an issue only if I try with AITrackerX  I always make a flight plan with manual waypoints.  I will run a few tests and then email you (including my proof of purchase) and see how we go.

    Thank you again for your AMAZING products and most of all thank you for not having DRM ! That was the primary reason why I went in and bought them all bar the cropduster addon (which I will soon because I'd like to support fantastic developers such as yourself).


    Thank you again


  2. Hello everyone,
    Was really keen to use AITrackerX so I can fly a Squadron of A2A Spitfires.

    Two issues I have found.

    1 - AI Traffic A2A Spitfire tips over when Taxiing when controlled by AITrafficX
    Whilst I can generate the AI to follow my plane when I am flying. If I generate them to start off on the ground with a flight plan, as soon as tyhe taxi procedure starts, the A2A Spitfire tips over onto it's propellar A2A spitfire tips over onto it's propellar and starts to smoke and catch fire.

    I have crash detection off/damage off and G-Forces off as the manual suggests but nothing seems to work. The A2A Spitfire will just Tip on it's nose when starting to taxi.

    I have tried turning off accu-sim but the same problem happens.
    This effectively means I cannot use thet A2A Spitfire as AI traffic which is what I wanted AITrafficX for. All I can do is have them follow me in a pattern.The A2A Spitfire I have has Accu-sim add on.

    2 - Manual flight plan problem
    If I create a flight plan that is generated by FSX, things seem to work. If I create a flight plan in a tool such as LittleNavMap, then the AI I add simply do not appear on the list.

    AITrackerX  does not seem able to import flight plans with manually added waypoints.


    I really hope we can fix the A2A spitfire problem because I really would like the AI to take off and fly rather than tipping over during taxi.
    With the second problem, not sure why AITraffic does not like manually created flight plans with manual waypoints. They load but the AI never gets added to the list.

    Looking forward to hearing from you all.
    I currently have CameraX, WAMA, FirefighterX and AITrackerX. All Excellent products.  :)

    kind regards

  3. Hello again,

    I noticed that when flying a very large plane such as the B377 Stratocruiser from A2A, a plane from the 50s, that the TOD marker on little nav map is way out and for that plane it has to be waaaaaaay sooner.

    Is there a place I can input aircraft information or change the air craft type so the TOD is perhaps a little more accurate depending what you are flying. I could not find anywhere to select an aircraft type. I am still using v1.2.4 at present so if it is in a future release, I do apologise. It's just I like having littlenav connect and little nav map separate :)

    Thank you in advance Alex.

  4. Hello wonderful users of LittleNavmap and a giant thank you to Alex for devloping this MUST HAVE tool.

    My question.

    1. How can I have 2 destination airports set ?

    2. I want to take off from Airport 1, land at airport 2, fly back to airport 1.

    Of course I can use the reverse direction option but I don't want this as I want to fly back to airport 1 with different waypoints. Sure I can add waypoints but how do I make the third airport a "destination" so I still get TOD (Top of Descent) information.

    I know in reality the answer is "that is a new flight plan if you are flying back"
    BUT ......... this is my reason
    a) when I land in airport 2, if I need to load another flight plan, I need to stop the flight, get FSX to load in another flight plan. I want to avoid any loading or interruption of FSX. I just want to wait a little and continue and it KNOWS I have a second destination.

    Question is how do I set the second destination in LNM ?

    Thank you all in advance and huge thank you to Alex. :) I use little NAvMap live on every stream.

  5. Hello everyone and hello Alexander. I just adore your product and feature it in each stream now.

    I have a quick question. I would like to set a take off location on LittleNavMap that is not an airport. For example, there are Oil Rigs near Rotterdam in FSX but I want to fly a sea plane. I therefore want to set a custom location to start from and use it with LittleNavMap.

    I tried but if I just "add waypoint" and make my circuit and then try to save it tells me the destination must be from a valid airport. Is there a way to make any location a "valid" take off point ? This would be useful for things like this so we can take off from custom locations.

    There is a dock nearby so it is conceivable a sea plane could take off from there even though it is not designated an official water runway as FSX has very few amount of water runways, all of them are mostly US I fear as if the rest of the world does not have any :D

    Thank you kindly. Your product is AMAZING.and I could not plan without it.

    kind regards

    Styggron aka The Incompetent PIlot


  6. Hi Folks,


    Yeah - map that function to something - it's pure suicide to try and mouse click reversers on the roll out...







    Well, I can use FSX's default F2 I guess then. This seems the best way forward, I wanted to use the virtual cockput but if using those two little levers are a problem I better heed people's advice and keep away from it.

    I don't know if they are modeled, but it is procedure in all turbine aircraft to have igniters firing during takeoff/landing or heavy precipitation/icing/turbulence conditions. Although the jet engine doesn't require external ignition while running, in the event of flame blowout, you need some source to restart the combustion chamber. If you are flying at cruise altitude and experience a flameout, you have ample time to hit the switch and restart, but during takeoff and approach, a flameout can put you in a dangerous situation. So you basically use it every time an engine flameout would bring you into serious trouble, I usually turn them off at about 5000 agl and turn them on when I extend flaps to first position or when I turn on anti ice in all turbine powered airplanes, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the flight manual.



    The manual tends to label things not modelled but with these AIR IGNs, because their own start up procedure does not mention it, it certainly seems like they are not modelled and they just forgot to tell us perhaps which is a little disappointing really.


    Would be nice too if the cockpit was rendered a little more realistically, sorry I'm just used to A2A quality :) Don't get me wrong this is an amazing product. The only reason I purchased it was because it did not have online activation which is intrusive DRM IMHO. I love how you can go into the cabin to :)


    I also don't like the fact how it installed everything twice, the GNS and the GTN versions. I would like to remove the GTN versions from the list because I don't have and will never have that GPS.  :sad:


    Also anyone know how to load passengers ? The load passengers never does anything. I click but nothing hapens. It's like the passenger loading system does not work.  :(

  7. OK. On the top glareshield panel arm the two reverser switches.




    To use the reverser levers in the simulators virtual cockpit, place your mouse pointer over the reverser handles, left click and drag! That's how you would do it in the virtual cockpit .






    Perfect thank you so much David.

    Do I need to be careful I don't pull them back to fuel cut off ? I think I should practice moving those.

  8. Hi Styggron,


    thank you for the rave, all that positive feedback! :smile:


    Regarding the map window: The programming library I'm using (Qt) has some limitations regarding this. You can not put a dock window in the center.

    I'm already running out of space for dock windows so I would have to squeeze the map into the border. Not so good.

    Maybe I can allow a second map view in a future release but for now it is all centered around the map.


    If it helps: You can already detach the toolbars and move them around to another screen like the dock windows.


    Regarding the user waypoints: I planned to allow name changes to these in this next release 1.2 but I'm not sure if I can make it.


    Thank you for the promotion, I like the video a lot.




    Hello Alex,

    Thank *you* for an AMAZING product. I have several viewers now using littlenav map. I use it almost every stream and always give it a quick demo for new users. I think everyone needs to know about it because it is THAT good so every chance I get I tell people.


    Thank you so much for your amazing work.


    I think the reason I was asking about the map is to have a nice small window I can drag onto the stream page whilst having all the main information on another monitor. Of coure it is still possible. I can undock all the info pages, keep them on another monitor, set up the main program so only the map is showing and we have the same thing practically.



  9. Hi styggron,


    I'm also a big fan of LNM and Alex's work.


    In the next release you will be able to create a flight plan from a "route string" as per you post " ... With onlineflightplanner.org if you are flying an airliner, that works out all the jetways and waypoints, eg: EGPE SID FINDO UL613 TLA etc" . Simply copy this string from any online flight planner and LNM will decode it to create the flight plan.


    ​I'm using this all the time in the beta I'm testing and it works well.


    Kind regards,


    Sounds brilliant.

    Personally for me the dockable main map and approach calculations for GA are the main things for me :) For for example much like the GPS lists approaches, when LNV has this as well...... WOW


    I adore the software. It's just so brilliant !

  10. I think the guys have answered these. However I would say;


    1. They are similar to "continuous ignition" on our Boeing. On at take off and landing and foul weather.


    2. No approach switch. Nav which goes to "Arm" mode until localiser capture. Then after capture and your near glideslope, press arm GS. That will then capture, and you should have a nice ride down the needles. Just be sure to intercept the GS from below.


    3. If you are on the latest P3dv3.4, there is additional help to map your stick and throttles. I don't know what you use, but I have the F2 mapped to the slider on my Saitek X55 throttle. The F2 repeats until it's pulled back, so its similar to the reverser levers in the Learjet. The only problem with my solution is that F2 is repeating until I exit out of reverse. Since its only 5 seconds or so its not really a big problem! Just make sure those two "Arm" switches on the glareshield are armed, or nothing will happen.






    Thank you for that.

    I am on FSX. But I would like to know where on the virtual cockpit the reversers engage as. I would find it highly surprising they would not be modelled as it is a vital thing. As I mentioned sure I can press F2 after arming but surely there has to be a virtual coclpit control for it.


    The question remains unanswered really until somone says "you use <insert picture> to use the reversers in the VC" or "Flysimware amazingly did not model that"



  11. A Twitch user named Styggron made a nice review video:


    The Incompetent Pilot Episode 27


    In the meantime I'm working on the AI and multiplayer traffic. :smile:




    Hello Alex

    Thank you so much for the mention. I do indeed tell everyone I can when I stream my fights about LittleNavMap. I would say there is no other tool that has everything it does. I fly offline so the offline support is vital for me, the offline maps etc all brilliant.


    The first thing I tried to do was undock the map but found the is the only window that cannot be undocked. Would be fantastic if this could also be undocked.


    One of the amazing features is I can zoom in on an airport and see the parking areas and the map. That is just utterly brilliant ! The interface is just amazing. Really intuitive.


    I originally had troluble moving waypoints because I could not drag them but I found I had to click on them. I found it does not keep them the same name, it just goes up a number eg user1 user 2. No biggie....everything works brilliantly.


    I do have a question if I may. With onlineflightplanner.org if you are flying an airliner, that works out all the jetways and waypoints, eg: EGPE SID FINDO UL613 TLA etc


    LNV does not do these yet does it ? I know you are looking at AIRAC support, I'm on 1511 and that is where it will stay permanently as I don't need updates I never fly online. I mainly fly GA and Warbirds. :)


    Thank you again for your fantastic product, I will keep telling people about it because all flight simmers need to know how amazing it is. Thank you for taking the time to create it. You're fantastic. :)

  12. Hi...


    The full AFM (manual) for the real aircraft is here in the forum somewhere... I'm actually trying to put together some better checklists for myself - based on the AFM - for my own use... I'll gladly share if/when done...


    I'd ask Al for his fantastic LUA scripts - as they will provide full "button" control of the autopilot - and - other essential features (providing you have a paid FSUIPC)... They have to be setup in your FSUIPC... Very much needed as things happen FAST in this beautiful plane...


    Best of luck...





    Thank you for that Scott. As I said above though I don't use FSUIPC I fear.

    Technical manuals can be a little obtuse... :Big Grin:


    Selective use of air ignition is required for all:

    • takeoffs
    • landings

    and also for:

    • windmilling airstarts (to attempt an engine restart in flight if there is a flameout but the fan is still turning due to airflow).

    It may also be used continuously when flying in

    • heavy precipitation
    • icing conditions
    • turbulent air.

    It should be used only when necessary to avoid excessive igniter plug erosion so shut it of in normal flight.


    The igniter is analogous to the spark plug in a car except that in a jet engine it can be shut off as fuel combustion is continuous once started. So switch it on whenever their is a chance for a flameout (water ingestion, ice ingestion, heavy turbulence) or when a flameout would be a really bad thing (takeoff and landing) or when you have a flameout in flight.


    These are the general conditions for use. Google "Lear 35A checklist" and you should find some more procedural detail until Scott sorts out a better one. I believe there are operating manuals available as well if you have trouble sleeping. I use one from Avialogs.


    That being said I am no pilot (just play one on the computer) so hopefully someone more knowledgeable might chime in with better info. 


    THank you for that.

    If they are necessary for take off and landing how come they are not on the checklist in the manual or even on the ingame one ? Does it even matter if I flick those buttons at all ?


    Sounds like there are things that are not modelled that don't say they are not modelled :(

    Hi again everyone,

    I just wanted to thank everyone for their replies but there is still one question unanswred.


    How do you use reverse thrusters ? Many said they map it to their saitek etc, I don't use a Saitek, surely it can be done in the virtual cockpit ? How would it be done in the real Lear35A surely this is modelled rather than pressing F2 ?

  13. 1. I don't know much about the AIR IGN (Air Ignition) switches except they would be used to restart an engine in flight.

    2. For an ILS approach, you have to have both NAV and GS on, and GS won't arm unless NAV is on. There is no APR button.

    3. For the thrust reversers, I use the switch which is at the very bottom end of my Saitek throttle quadrant throttle lever range. I use FSUIPC to activate the control Throttle Decr (with Repeat) when the switch is activated (throttle lever all the 'back'), and Throttle Cut when the switch is 'released' (throttle lever move up a bit out of the switch activation position).


    Welcome to the Flysimware L35A -- a superb a/c.




    Hello AI

    Thank you for that. I will test out the AP suggestions thank you that's brilliant. I really wish it had a better manual, I fear it is little help :( :(


    Ummmm as I don't use Saitek or FSUIPC, is there anything else you can suggest for reversers ? How is it actually done in the virtual cockpit ? I would have thought you just pull back the throttle but it would goes to idle and then if I move it back more it cuts off fuel so how should we do the reversers ?

    Frem the FlightSafety Training Manual:



    Selective ignition is controlled by two-position

    switch.es labeled "AIR tGN L" and "AtR IGN

    R" (Figure 7-11) located on the center switch

    panel. When the switch is at AIR IGN position,

    the igniters wm operate continuously. lgnition

    power is supplied by the L and R AIR lGN circuit

    breakers on the left and right essential

    buses, respectively.


    Selective use of air ignition is required for all

    takeoffs and landings, and also for windmilling

    airstarts. It may be used continuously when flying

    in heavy precipitation, icing conditions, or turbulent

    air. There is no duty cycle established on

    the system; however, it should be used only when

    necessary to avoid excessive igniter plug erosion.




    An amber light (Figure 7-11 and Appendix

    located above each AIR IGN switch will be on

    whenever power is being supplied to the associated

    jgnition exciter. The ignjtion lights (if on)

    will dim if the NAV LTS switch, located on the

    right switch panel, is on.


    Thank you for that.

    I fear I still don't really understand

    a) how it should be used

    b ) why it should be used

    c) If it should be used in the sim


    d) when it should be used.


    I read what you wrote several times, I'm still confused sorry. 


    Their use is not on the manual, nor are they in the start up procedure and nor on youtube videos where people are starting the plane up. However from the information you did here, they should be on take off and landing and "windmilling" whatever that is.


    Thank you in advance.

  14. Hello everyone,

    I'm new to the Flysimware Learjet 35A.


    I've read the manual but sadly there is little detail in there, I have a few questions.


    1. What does the AIR IGN L and AIR IGN R switches do ? The manual just releats their name without saying anything :(

    2. Is there no APR button for the Auto pilot ? Do we just put it to NAV for ILS landing ?

    3. How do I activate reversers ? I arm them but how do I make them deploy ? Sure I can use F2 but I was wondering how to deploy them once armed.


    Thank you everyone



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