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Posts posted by clif9464

  1. I am using xplane Vulkan- now trying open gl


    No joy in open GL - When this software works  I would recommend it for the best flight experience - but the upgrade processes just purely suck. Not going to sugar coat this. It feels like a kluge to make a supposedly simple looking installer work with planes when an update happens and I am surprised you dont have a ton of an angry customers. I dont like having to spend countless hours of configuring ONE software program to work with xplane. This makes me want to uninstall and just use the default crappy featureless xplane garmins. They at least work.


    Finally got one working. I had to light candles, sprinkle holy water and consult a voodoo doctor but its going. Hours later....


    and it went black again SMH

  2. Ok I solved this if anyone is curious. So the root cause was on the last install I got a message that I had never seen before. It said something about activations are almost out or something. Not sure but I have had this awhile and had installs that were part of the upgrade for the product. I ignored this message and that is the root cause. You have to use the F reactivation that sends you an email. Once I did that and reinstalled I got no more errors and the gtn750 is working again. So there is a tie in with that activation. I have valid keys so none of this is big deal but if its ever a black screen then reinstall and make sure you get the installers  from F1. Dont ignore the error message about activation's. I have no clue what the count is but I must have reached it. 

    • Like 1

  3. rxpGTN.xpl.log

    20/04/09 22:01:52.358 08832 -    ] # win.xpl version
    20/04/09 22:01:52.358 08832 INFO ] 


    20/04/09 22:01:55.837 08832 -    ] # rxpGtnSim64.dll version
    20/04/09 22:01:55.836 08832 INFO ] 
    20/04/09 22:03:32.424 08832 INFO ] GTN 750.1 - TRAINER 6623
    20/04/09 22:06:22.168 08832 WARN ] FAIL: 01 ..\..\lib\acl\kernel\ui\nand\hwm_nand.c(1030) (null)
    20/04/09 22:07:31.597 08832 INFO ] GTN 750.1 - TRAINER 6623
    20/04/09 22:10:20.020 08832 WARN ] FAIL: 01 ..\..\lib\acl\kernel\ui\nand\hwm_nand.c(1030) (null)
    20/04/09 22:13:57.031 08832 INFO ] GTN 750.2 - TRAINER 6623
    20/04/09 22:13:58.262 08832 WARN ] FAIL: 01 ..\..\lib\acl\kernel\ui\nand\hwm_nand.c(1030) (null)
    20/04/09 22:16:43.371 08832 INFO ] GTN 650.2 - TRAINER 6623
    20/04/09 22:16:44.408 08832 WARN ] FAIL: 01 ..\..\lib\acl\kernel\ui\nand\hwm_nand.c(1030) (null)




  4. 2 hours ago, HansMatthijssen said:


    After being away from flying for a while I saw a video on Youtube telling me the GTN750 is now integrated in the VC panel of the Carenado F33A Bonanza.

    This is something I had always looked forward to, so I immediately started updating my Xplane to 11.21, my GTN 750 to the latest version 2.5.2 and I bought the Carenado plane. However, things don't seem to work as they should 😞

    When I load the plane with the GTN plugin switched on, I do see it integrated in my VC. The bezel is there and the screen is blank (makes sense, the plane is powered off). So I power on the plane, start it up, switch on the alternator and then the master avionics ...... and the GTN750 screen stays black 😞 😞

    It does work however, because if I select "Show window" from the GTN750 Plugin menu, a window does show up, i can click the "Continue" buttons confirming my license and then I have a perfectly working GTN750 🙂

    But I cannot find a way to get it to show up on the VC screen as it should. Am I missing something maybe? What is going wrong here?

    If you are on 11.21 it is busted.


    On 5/30/2018 at 4:31 PM, bluebell2 said:

    Same problem here with XP11.21 and GTN 2.5.2

    Well, after testing I can confirm gtn750 is the issue in the cockpit. Shelving this and hopefully it is not a lost 50 dollar piece of software. Loved using it while it worked

  6. I have this issue with the Carenado F33 and C210 with REPS as well as just flight tb10 and tb20. You cant turn some controls an no scroll wheel - I have reinstalled the c210 and when I did it started working even with RXP gtn750. As soon as I put the rep plugin the a/c broke. That does not explain the tb10/20 issue. I may have to reinstall Aircraft with this latest xplane upgrade. 

  7. V1- sticking to it. This not an upgrade but rather a product downgrade. I won't buy another Carenado Alabeo product likely due to their serial numbers mess ups. Everything thing they do is broken. Not one thing they made has been right from the start - Did they ever fix the Phenom 505 fuel issue? Honestly I am done with eye candy and only want study level functionality. 

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