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Posts posted by mmuller

  1. hello everzbody


    i bought the 747 qots edition today, and installed everything. i then tried to switch my windows 10 home from german to english US, i can choose English United states, but when i go on options then, i just have a button to add a keyboard, but nothing to download speech and handwriting etc.

    i would like to ask if anybody had the same problems yet, and if yes, how did you solve them_


    thanks a lot



  2. hello everybody


    i tried to configure my 2nd joystick as a steering tiller for the 747 in p3dv4, via fsuipc.


    i deleted all regular control axis in p3d for the rudder and tiller. then i setup the tiller axis as Steering Set, and the rudder as regular rudder axis and calibrated it


    when i now taxi around, the steering tiller just steers the nose wheel, as it is supposed to do, but when i push the rudder pedals, the nose wheel turns along? is there any possibility to disengage that(resp to just have the few degrees like the real one?)


    many thanks for your help






    Marc Muller


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