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Posts posted by EddieB

  1. MSFS2020 will/has ushered in new and older flight sim enthusiast because of its commercial advertising and visual euphoria. This benefits all flight sim platforms because those people that become hooked usually want to see what the other platforms advantages/disadvantages are and will more than likely pay to play those platforms.

    In my opinion, any new major flight sim release is good for all current flight sims as it helps new users become aware of the other choices they have in the genre.

    They all have their advantages/disadvantages over the other, just like buying cars or bed mattresses. They cannot be compared as equals.

    The flight sim community is such a small niche we should embrace each other for the sole fact we love aviation and flight simming.

    God bless.

    • Like 2

  2. Eh, Kind of underwhelmed myself. I was hoping for a little more frame-rate improvement moving to 64-bit. But as others have said, the default KSFO for me is a huge frame hog with the A2A Constellation. Once I'm in the air from any major airport, the stutters stop. It is still a 10 year old program with a botox injection and I guess I was expecting more. I still fly it for sure as the ATC is well above par with other sims. Until LM re-writes a new sim from scratch, this will always be the original FSX with a new facelift in a 60 year old's body. Just my opinion.

  3. 19 hours ago, airplaneguru84 said:

    Exactly what happened to me. Could not get to flight level with out stalling. I've since reinstalled the pre patched version and then modified the .cfg with b1bmsgt's tweaks.

    yeah this worked for me originally and i still stuck with b1bmsgt's tweak after the upgrade and the planes flew great after. I believe they rushed a patch without testing. This is my first VirtualCol purchase under Chocks lengthy sales pitch. Though its not a study sim, it-is-what-it-is for the price and you do get alot. I'm mediocre happy with it.

  4. 4 minutes ago, egntpilot said:

    Hi Eddie,

    yes, just updated it now



    Excellent news. Thanks Steve.

    I almost pulled the trigger on the IFly 747 last year waiting for PMDG to release theirs. But after testing out XP11 I completely switched over until this new P3Dv4 was released. Now I'm thinking about getting this 737 from IFly and possibly the 747 when they release it. I have nothing against PMDG or their pricing, I believe in supporting the little guy also if they produce a well designed, authentic and good looking product, which I have been convinced previously that IFly has done.

    Thanks Chock and the others on your thoughts on this IFly release. I will make a purchase decision in a few days for sure.

    Cheers and happy flights!


    • Upvote 1

  5. 7 hours ago, b1bmsgt said:

    Just found out that there is an update to the Virtualcol CRJs. I can't find any release notes, so I can't say what problems it addresses. Here is a link to their News page:




    Please report back after testing it and let us know what is different!



    thanks for the research and the update. Will be sure to let you know when I find whats changed. 

  6. Kyle, Any rough idea when the compatibility update for the NGX will be released? It seems the 744 and 777 were released mighty quickly after P3dv4 release. Thanks for any update.



    EDIT: Sorry just saw this on the PMDG website:

    PMDG 737NGX: Expected compatibility between 18-25JUN.

    Can't wait. I don't own any PMDG products and this is the first one I would like to get for the new 64-bit P3D.


    • Upvote 1

  7. I had this download problem when i first tried. I had to stop the download and start again later. Maybe something related to the traffic to the ortho downloads, I don't really know. I started downloading everything in 16 zoom level and get great results from BI or OSM selection. I am thinking about posting some height altitude shots over at the org showing what the 16 lvl looks like. I find that its actually a great level and low disk space. 500meg to 2gig for each tile instead of 6-7gig for the 18 zoom level I was getting. At 2,000 feet 16 level looks the same as the 18 level to me.


    But yeah back to original post. I had to stop and restart once or twice to get it going.


    Anyone with X-plane that's not trying out ortho is missing one of the best things to happen to flight simming since 3-D cockpits. :dance:

    • Upvote 1

  8. While I agree that it doesn't make sense to believe something before your see it (or in this case get some kind of confirmation), it's just as nonsensical to concoct a paranoid conspiracy theory with absolutely zero evidence.


    I hope your not a religious person :P  I'm all full of conspiracies :Silly:  . When there's such a small sim market to begin with and the major players have competition, yes rumors good and bad will begin flying (no pun intended).


    The fact someone states in the original facebook post X11 by name and no other sim out there is what is throwing the red flag with me. ORBX stated they are big players with LM and the plans they had to move into the X-plane market have stopped, The reason I think is because I can download all the ortho scenery I want for free. Fly over any part of the world exactly as it looks in real life. ORBX would have zero to little market in that aspect and the reason they absolutely don't want people to switch and wait for P3DV4.


    Anyways, I have P3DV3, FSX, X-plane10 and 11 with huge amounts of addons for all. They are all lacking in one aspect or another. We all know the faults of each one. If LM is making something definite, I really hope they pull off what we can all hope to be the perfect sim we all looking for. I do love diversity and conspiracy theories.  :Bug:


    With loving kindness....

    • Upvote 1

  9. LOL at EddieB. Like Lockheed Martin cares what Laminar Research does with XP11. The developers of Aerofly FS 2 and DTG Flight Sim care about losing market share to XP11 and well they should.


    Replace LM in my post with Aerofly FS2 or DTG Flight Sim and it makes even more of a point. Your correct though, they should be concerned.

  10. I won't believe any of this 64-bit P3D until I see it or actually hear a news release from Lockheed. Like Mike said in the comments section:


    "Sounds like a staged ploy concocted by P3D (Lockheed Martin) to make people pump the brakes on moving over to XP11. I’ll believe all this snake oil hype when I actually see it with my own eyes. This isn’t a leak, it’s an attempt to prevent people from moving to XPlane. Does anyone believe differently? I’m not falling for it. As of right now XP11 blows the doors off of P3D v 3.4 even in it’s beta stage. Good luck Lockheed playing catch up."


    This I would actually believe is being done. Why? Because if 64-P3D were true and in the works why would Lockheed keep it a secret? Why not promote the product that's coming? Maybe they are so far behind a 64-bit release they WANT people to wait..and wait...and wait instead of moving to X11.


    Somethings not right in the Lockheed PR department if even any of this is true news. Maybe just clickbait. 

    • Upvote 5

  11. I run long hauls between Miami and LAX and back without restarting or rebooting X11 using the 777 Worldiner. I think the key is to keep the MINIMUM plugins you need to fly the haul. XSquawkbox and Flywithlua is about all i need. I get my real world weather from the internet or tune in to ATIS when I get there. Never had one CTD with X11 and the 777 Worldliner is an amazing plane. 


    To beat a dead horse, The planes are just as good if not better to me. Most of the payware planes come with custom FCU's and this makes all the difference to me...and I didn't even have to pay $140 for it either. Loaded some Xortho and I've never looked back.

  12. X-plane 11 is the future of flight sims and these companies like REX and PMDG need to start getting on board or get left behind because someone else will pick up and move in. 32-bit (P3D and FSX) are decade old tech and anyone with a 64-bit system is back tracking to keep investing in a decade old sim. I like the sports car and dirt road comparison. A sports car with a 4-cylinder engine that is.


    Yeah there's "rumors" of a 64-bit P3D, but as of right now X-plane is the only one that's actually here now and showing huge potential. Plus, all the 32-bit add-ons you currently own will probably not transfer to a 64-bit sim without major updating. I highly doubt developers are going to remodel and update 32-bit add-ons for free when they will probably concentrate on ground up 64-bit that they can expand more with. If I were a developer I would get what I could from 32-bit and concentrate on the 64-bit future.


    As far as 32-bit sims...pick a saying, "Even a polished xxxxx is still a xxxxx"..."Lipstick on a pig"...etc, etc.

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