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Barry Wells

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Posts posted by Barry Wells

  1. Hi, can anyone suggest what might be going on with my GPU?

    I have a GTX1060 that until tonight has been functioning just fine. Now when I run P3Dv4 with even the most basic scenery and the R22 the GPU utilization jumps immediately to 100% and stays there. Yesterday was fine nothing new installed but today its jerky and unflyable. I have deleted the shaders directory and prepar3d.cfg and rebooted but no change. My current Nvidia driver is which I  didn't want to get into messing with at this stage.

    Can anyone suggest what to try next?


  2. Is there anyone out there using a Saitek x55 Rhino successfully with Windows 10 ? 

    I was about to upgrade my Windows 7 system to something better but I have heard that there could be compatibility issues with the X55 drivers and Win 10. I have been very happy using the x55 and the thought of having to replace it at not an insignificant cost, along with the cost of a high spec computer, is tending to put me off.

    Can anyone reassure me that it will continue to work with Win 10 ?


    Barry Wells

  3. Hi, I have a problem with some (but not all) external views when selecting an aircraft to fly from the library window. Only the VC is shown and odd bits and pieces. This affects default a/c as well as non default. I suspected Ezdok 2.5 which I have recently installed. I tried running the config tool again - no change. I then disabled Ezdok but it made no difference. This seems to me to rule Ezdok out.

    Anyone have any suggestions please.


  4. Hi Scott,

    I have logged 200+ hours flying many different types of gliders in the past and though I agree FSX/P3D does not come close to the real thing it is still a quite satisfying way of flying for me. I find the aerotow take off to be quite realistic (actually harder than the real thing imho). It is also a good way for practising landings, judging your position and height for approach. Thermaling is maybe lacking a little in realism, its seat of the pants stuff in real life. However always go for the real thing if you can.....if you can't, well give it a go.

    Cheers, Baz

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  5. Hi, Can anyone suggest why I dont have any thermals in P3D v3 ?  I have ThermalDescriptions.xml in the root folder. I have selected 'schematic' thermals in the weather settings and have confirmed that this is set in Prepar3D.cfg i.e. Thermal_visuals=2. Also in the weather setting I do not have 'Disable turbulence and thermal effects on aircraft' ticked.

    I have also tried CumulusX but this doesn't seem to work in P3Dv3.

    Anyone have any suggestions I could try?

    Thank you,

    Barry Wells

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