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  1. Hi all. I recently moved my community and official folders onto a 2TB SSD. However, my sim start times from launch to menu is 10-15 minutes with my menu to sim load times being not much better. In total, it can take up to half ann hour from launch to actually being in sim. I currently use MSFS add on linker but I didn’t notice that make much of a difference. Any advice on what might be causing that? Processor AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.60 GHz Installed RAM 48.0 GB
  2. Hi all. I recently moved my community and official folders onto a 2TB SSD. However, my sim start times from launch to menu is 10-15 minutes with my menu to sim load times being not much better. In total, it can take up to half ann hour from launch to actually being in sim. I currently use MSFS add on linker but I didn’t notice that make much of a difference. Any advice on what might be causing that? Processor AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor 3.60 GHz Installed RAM 48.0 GB
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