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  1. Hi all It's been a while since I fired up my FS9 and old age has caught up with me, in so much as I can't remember which keyboard command activates reverse thrust on landing. Can anyone please help me out?
  2. Has your system automatically 'updated' the GPU drivers?
  3. I'm not saying you are Chris but a lot of flight simmers are so anal about framerate. I used to be like that, panicking if the fps rate fell below 35, then I had an epithany. Forget all about framerate and don't ever look at it during flight. If the display looks good and it's not juddering, leave well alone and enjoy the view. Don't fret if it drops 1fps, it won't matter a jot. believe me, I've been there and done it and got the tshirt. My current system is locked at 30fps and, as far as I know, doesn't dip to the point where it judders here, there and everywhere.
  4. Sorted by someone from another site.
  5. I've got a fairly decent PC and my distant scenery appears as a straight line of nothing until you get close to the edge of it then it refreshes but still forms in blocks. This never happened with my crummy old PC. I've tried all kinds of things, it's doing my nut in. Anyone got any genius suggestions? By the way I've read most of the tips pages both here and on other websites, I must be doing something obviously wrong
  6. Having bought a new PC, I got round to installing fs9 and all my many add-ons onto it. Just when I got everything running really smoothly, something terminal happened which meant I had to do a complete re-install of Windows. So, on the advice of my PC guy, I purchased a 128Mb SSD and just installed Windows and all the start up programmes on it. Everything else, is going onto the 1Tb hardrive. Early indications are looking good. The PC get's from swith on to home screen in about half the time and FS9 seems to be running a lot quicker to. Just a suggestion should anyone be interested.
  7. Just in case anyone is interested, I ended up getting a Samsung 27" screen. It has all the usual things you'd expect to find plus a Games mode which doesn't really help me with flight Sim but will help me with some of my PS4 games.
  8. Haven't got round to installing fsx yet, (it's still in the box with the acceletaion disc) but I am still getting all my fs9 add ons installed. In fs9, with all sliders right to the max, I'm getting 39fps (with it locked at 40) so I'm a very happy bunny.
  9. Specs are: AMD FX-6 @ 4.1GHz GTX960 2048MB GDDR5 16GBB DDR3 1600 MHz Memory The one I am looking at is a backlit 1920 x 1080. Thanks for the advice, most helpful.
  10. I am currently flying FS9 on an Acer 20" LCD monitor and I was thinking about upsizing to a 27" monitor. Is there anything I should be aware of before spending my cash? If any of you have any personal recommendations on make and model that would be great too. Thanks in advance for any help.
  11. Thanks Appliance. Regarding my second question, I know where to find there but they are listed somewhere in the Programme files x86, I just can't find them there.
  12. 2 things if I may. Firstly, when at 31000 ft, the scenery in front of me in the distance is a blur and only focuses when I get nearer to it. Is thee some adjustment I can make, config maybe? Secondly, where in the programme files can I find the scenery lists? Default Terrain, Default scenery, Propellor Objects et etc. I have been away from FS9 for a few years and am a bit ring rusty. Thanks guys.
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