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Posts posted by wheels1911

  1. 29 minutes ago, OleGreyGhost said:

    When the game loads up on the opening screen, right click & check the bottom of the menu that pops up..

    If mouse yoke has a check mark, deselect it & you should get back control of your joystick.



    Sorry I may not have explained enough. FSX literally does not even see my Joystick... Setting> controls .........No joy stick... Like its not there.. so the mouse yoke has really nothing to do with this....it also deselected of course 

  2. I had the logistic 3d pro... It stopped working so I figured it broke.... So I went out and bought the Thrustmaster Flight Hotas X........... also does not work.....So now I know its the game..1 week ago my joystick worked... I haven't downloaded anything new... I even did the steam game files check........ controller doesn't show  up in FSX setting just has "free look" and "mouse yoke" of course I've tried different USB's... IDK what else to do... I don't want to uninstall becuse I have 2 PMDG'S...... GSX.... edok...   addon secenery

  3. 7 hours ago, kevinh said:

    To be even more accurate you can create a 777 profile in Simbrief which matches the OEW of the PMDG 777.  

    Thanks for the great info. Question how do I find the OEW of my 777 I looked threw every manual with search feature couldn't find anything

  4. So im creating this to figure out if im doing everything correctly.

    This is about the 777 and the "ROUTE" request feature.

    I have noticed a few things with this feature that i feel are not even close to accurate.

    For example lets say in sim brief I set my Extra Fuel, my cargo and my passengers. I then Generate my OFP(Flight plan) and download it threw the "ROUTE" feature. My 777 downloads data in the PERF INT page that doesn't even remotely match my Sim Brief flight plan, I'm not anywhere near an expert here but im pretty sure it is suppose to copy it correct?


    I also notice that the altitude my Flight plane gives me doesn't match what my 777 wants to do in the request feature. Completely different. Is this just because Sim Brief sucks or is this normal for the 777 to download completely different Data instead

  5. 6 hours ago, JRBarrett said:

    As the pilot, you can always use Speed INTV on the autopilot to change your descent speed.

    The post above that you just sent had great information!! thank you!!


    One more question for you. tonight when I was flying I tried to Press Speed INTV and I couldn't deselect N1 Speed............ the Entire Speed Hold section was greyed out and I have no idea how to manual override it once Vnav and Lnav are active.

  6. 5 hours ago, sloppysmusic said:

    Would help more if you said not what you are trying to do but what you are trying to ACHIEVE. Different things! Yes it can be confusing but plenty of help here.

    IF you are just trying to descend faster because you are in a hurry safest way is to go to the CDU and press:




    and enter a higher number into the COST INDEX bottom left (LSK5 in CDU speak!)

    maximum 500 I believe for 737. You CAN do this at all stages of the flight, and the plane will slow down correctly most of the time when you need it to for approach plus will not go too fast. When practicing and learning though it is better to set a LOWER number even as low as 10 so the plane gives you time to learn all the routines which come fast when approaching final! 

    (Entering speeds manually is usually only done when the CDU SID or STAR has errors and you want to fix them.)

    You CAN speed up by using the SPEED dial (which turns off VNAV control of speed) but you can end up going too fast this way if you dont remember to slow down the same way as the plane will keep trying to do that speed until you land (hit the ground!).

    The Tutorial flight is indeed your friend! Plus lots of practice.

    Not at all what I was asking about. Sorry. Just curious as to how to get the error message away and learn how to keep it away

  7. 4 minutes ago, DaveCT2003 said:

    No sir, the Legs page, which is the only place you can add those.  Changing values in the Climb or Descent pages is specific to those stages of flight.

    Sorry I apologize I'm learning, new to all this. So anyway if I select the CDU "LEGS" Page in fight already with flight plan Executed at least for me it wont let me edit anything even if I Line select.

    For Example If I Line Select

    LEGS PAGE: MUPTT (Waypoint) and type 280/23000 it says "Invalid Entry". So I don't understand how you edit pre executed Waypoints

  8. 4 hours ago, FalconAF said:

    You can see them in the FMC waypoints list when you verify your flight plan using the "Step" sequence after entering the flightplan in the FMC.  That is when you can initially make the adjustments recommended above in previous posts to make sure you have a descent profile that fits the crossing restrictions for STAR arrivals in the plan.

    Thank you again. Yes so I understand how to do this in steps. That part is pretty easy. However Lets say that I don't put in my landing information until im about 50 miles for T/D right. While in flight ATC gives me my clearance information for what runway to expect. So I go to input my STAR. Once I press EXCT how do I edit them considering there are already executed.


    20 hours ago, JRBarrett said:

    One way to fix this would be to go into the DES page and manually enter that you want to descend at 280 knots (once below below the  Mach transition altitude).

    I tried this by pressing DES page in FMC and I got very confused. how would you input the information? "Like this

    280/23000"?     How does it know what way point I want to adjust?

  9. A quick question.

    I am wondering why I always seem to get this error message? It seems like every fight I do I have at least 1 waypoint that I get "Unable 280 KTS AT (Waypoint)"

    Im curious if this is my mistake or is the FMC just isn't correctly inputting speed restrictions for my flight.

    Ill put a picture of the Legs page if for further information

    I dont understand how it goes from "Crowy" doing speed 253 KTS and next waypoint is 280 KTS.....Thats a 27 KTS difference... Why would that automatically be inputted? 




    Thank You

  10. Okay example for you Lets say im Doing an approach into KPDX Portland Oregon


    i select the runway when im in my FMC for my arrival star.

    "Are you selecting ILS, RNAV, or another type"

    ill select RWY ils 28L

    Im useing the TMBERS2 arrival

    I activate then go to plan mode on my mcp and go threw the steps, the route doesn't actually line me up to the runway at all, it turns me Parallel and then says Next way point is vectors....

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