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Posts posted by alanrco

  1. Not happy about topic closure when the author (me) has not been given a right to reply!

    Regarding Microsoft's stand regarding (fake) weapons on war planes is forcing one's ideology on another, sets a dangerous precident. I thought that the so called free world was fighting other countries that was doing this sort of thing.

    Simulators by nature is an attempt at being 'as real as it gets'. Planes should represent the way they are or were. MSFS is a general flight simulator. We should be able to embrace all planes especially the magnificent WW2 birds as they really were. It's strange that all these planes are allowed in cockpit, gun sights and clickable gun switches but not graphically show the load out of the weapons in question. Importantly, the loadout affects the flight characteristic of the plane in question.so denying these weapons, the plane falls short of being simulated. I was never asking for the planes to actually do damage, I leave that to DCS.

    There is hypocracy in Microsoft's stand when you consider that they condone or even encourage in Windows, game clients e.g. Steam to sell games that are death dealing, bloodthirsty, gorey and sick. Ideology should not be their game, that's choice of a free voting electorate. 

    There was nothing in the reply from my ticket about their E rating, not that they needed the E rating. Unlikely a 3 year old is going to be playing this. I can't see a refund likely even though they have breached UK law which would cover incomplete digital download as it would be considered broke.

    I suspect that even purchasing from the developers, that Microsoft will find a way to cause your plane to be updated after a future update to the sim. So we are likely all to be vulnerable, wherever we buy.

    In regard to the Corsar, nothing stated in the reply is true.  This, from my ticket states the following:

    By design, Microsoft Flight Simulator do­es not include worki­ng armament or enable deliberate acts of violence on official content (stock and 3rd party content purchasable on the ma­rketplace). At its core, Microsoft Flight Simulator is a fli­ght simulator. There is currently no plan to introduce combat simulation.


    • Like 1

  2. Forgive give me if this topic has been done before. I did a 'Corsair' search but 0 result.

    For those into WW2 planes and do not know this, I just wanted to make you aware that buying the magnificent FG-1D Corsair from Microsoft Market place has no armament loadout and 3 liveries missing. It is being sold at full price though. I got caught on this one because having tbe P51, and Spits both with gun sights and clickable weapon switches as well as the Spits protruding gun barrels I did not realise the deception played on purchasers. Disgraceful!


  3. MSFS Manchester (EGCC), probably the most important airport outside of London in the UK is missing. I think I've exhausted all attempts to get it to appear with no avail. To me, this is my most wanted airport as I use it for most part as my base for domestic and European flights using PMDG 737, Airbus 320, CRJ700 and BAe 146. I've tried with the default airport and MaccoSim's excellent addon. Cannot create a departure/arrival flight using LNM so this is dissapointing. The .BGL file for EGCC is in the Community folder but I do not know the location for the equivalent file in the Base Navigation to see if it is there. Below, is the location for EGBB which is also a MaccoSim addon airport which does show on the LNM map.

    Could anyone who is lucky enough to have EGCC on their LNM map please tell me the .BGL file and path I need to look for?

    Airport Information for EGBB
    Base Navigation E:\FlightSimulator\Official\OneStore\fs-base-nav\scenery\0501\NAX47130.bgl



  4. The unique design of the throttle control in this amazing plane will make the chances one being commercially designed for flight simmers unlikely. I suspect that it is a patented design in the real aircraft, so whether other plane manufactures go down this road remains to be seen. Therefore for flight simmers, a controller like this will have limited sales potential and make it an expensive niche market. However, an actual controller would immensely increase the immersive nature of flying this plane. Mechanically, one would be relatively easy to make, however, the USB connection would defeat me and maybe a second proportional control needed would not be available from the developers or XP. In the last hour I've made a simple design on my PC. Any thoughts about this? Unfortunately I can't seem to insert a jpg on this forum?


  5. 8 hours ago, RXP said:


    I'm glad you've finally managed to sort it out and you're enjoying our products to their fullest!

    I guess you did not expect to here from me again, and I wish I had not to do so. But I'm screwed! I've been playing most of the day. I logged off to have some food. When I restarted I was back to the same problem but worse. Blank screens! I looked for the .dll file and it was missing. Opened McAfee and it was still listed as excluded. I looked in quarantined and it's not there so I cannot restore the file. I suppose I need to reinstall again, except I cannot, because as I mentioned in an earlier post, my key is corrupt! Just goes on and on. I will have to dump McAfee because this is quite intolerable! Any suggestions?

  6. 14 hours ago, RXP said:

    "C:\ProgramData\Reality XP\rxpGtnSim32.dll"

    Hi RXP

    Well, I realise I've taken the scenic route (pun?) with this problem and thank you RXP for finally getting there with me. It surely was that file and the very pesky McAfee VP. I could have sworn I placed the file in the exclude area but, doing it again has solved the problem, at last! Dual setup in the excellent Airfoillabs King Air 350 (MOD) looks great!


  7. Until I retired, I was in the teaching world. We found that many of those who wanted to teach their skills were unable to do so. This is a common problem, people know their skills but it takes a very special kind of person to teach. I find this is the situation here. With all due respect RXP, and I'm sure that you are good at what you do but, help from here has been, to say the least, ambiguous and vague. It boils down to the fact that there seems to be an assumption that people wanting help will know what your talking about. I assume that if I tried to explain the skills I have might cause you problems too, except that I taught 🙂 However, below is the contents of the two (relevant?) files. BTW this file is where it should be: C:\ProgramData\Reality XP\rxpGtnSim32.dll

    Also I don't really want a refund if I can help it. I feel that this tool is an essential navigation item so please help. Also I do need the key fixing. I have no idea why that's not working.

    Contents of rxpGtnSim.dll:

    19/09/15 10:51:53.953 09980 -    ] # rxpGtnSim64.dll version
    19/09/15 10:51:53.952 09980 INFO ] 
    19/09/15 10:52:21.702 09980 INFO ] GTN 725.2 - TRAINER 6620
    19/09/15 10:52:36.130 09980 ERROR] GTN 725.2 process not ready: The specified module could not be found., code: 0000007e
    19/09/15 10:52:36.131 09980 ERROR]  check if file is missing or your antivirus: C:\ProgramData\Reality XP\rxpGtnSim32.dll
    19/09/15 10:52:36.235 09980 INFO ] GTN 750.1 - TRAINER 6620
    19/09/15 10:52:36.261 09980 ERROR] GTN 750.1 process not ready: The specified module could not be found., code: 0000007e
    19/09/15 10:52:36.262 09980 ERROR]  check if file is missing or your antivirus: C:\ProgramData\Reality XP\rxpGtnSim32.dll

    Contents of rxpGTN.xpl:

    19/09/15 10:51:51.979 09980 -    ] # win.xpl version
    19/09/15 10:51:51.979 09980 INFO ] 

  8. 10 hours - just does not work! I now have tried to re-install. Does not work! The Key in the Reality folder does not work! Says it's invalid go to f1 customer Care. I DON'T have a f1 account! Did not buy it from there - nor do I want just another account! Pleas tell me how refund works - because I'm fed up with being an unpaid trouble shooter! So many people have problems with this and I've not seen anyone who have been able to solve this. All advice on this forum has been vague, ambiguous and just downright unhelpful! My virus protection is doing my head in and all because your *.dll files are not registered with Microsoft! It really is the limit! Sorry but I'm justifiably angry. Why is it that payware causes more problems than freeware?

  9. Tnx Bourrinopathe, you raised my hopes, but alas, it did not work. None of the buttons work on the panel. Never have. In fact I lost the defaults I had on there before. Not that they were much use. A dual panel was built for the Airofoillabs King Air 350 and I've seen it working on YouTube. The .ini file came with that and all were visible true. I just might try a second copy of xplane on another pc but even the instructions to put the gtn750 without affecting my licence, on one are ambiguous to say the least. Don't want to lose it on my main pc, that's if I ever get it working! Regards and ty for replying


  10. I installed this software following the exact procedure of an intelligent guy on Youtube. He started Xplane 11, loaded a new flight. Did the Plugin, switched on the avionics and the GTN750 was there. As I said I followed this precisely:

    1) All I get on the dual setup is the default x-plane PFD and on the second screen the default FMC which I cannot use unless I click on it and get the default FMC 2D window.

    2) Loaded other planes and only get blank screen

    3) I've used the plugin while in X-plane11. They do nothing! (I've also tried with the other plugins disabled)

    BTW if I run the Trainer from its own folder, the screens work. But only there and outside of X-Plane

    I've now logged 10 hours purely trying to figure out this one problem. From what I read, I know I'm not alone with this problem and have seen no threads where the problem was solved.

    Unless anyone can figure out the clues I've given then I will just have to abandon this entirely and 10 hours plus $50 down the drain!

    Since I installed the 750 software; each time I run X-Plane11 I find this in my McAfee Security History at the date and time of activating X-Plane: Suspicious incoming network blocked. Source IP address:**********************************

    Here is the RealityXP.GTN file if that helps. I now need to go into another room so I can scream.

    ; comma separated list of gauges
    gauges = GTN_725_2, GTN_750_1

    ; comma separated list of render targets.
    drawto = WINDOW, PANELS
    ; is the master device if true.
    MasterDevice = true 
    ; aviation db: 0: nav_db2_grm, 1: nav_db2, 2: nav_heli_db2_grmn, 3: nav_heli_db2
    NavDbType = 1

    ; display window if true.
    visible = false
    ; show screen only gauge if true.
    nobezel = false
    ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS
    frame.type = WINDOW
    ; display position and dimension (left,top,width,height)
    frame.rect = 3010,2140,830,790
    ; screen only border size (pixels).
    border.size = 0
    ; screen only border color (#RGB or #RGBA).
    border.rgba = #000000
    ; enable mouse clickspots if true, disable if false (use SHIFT to override)
    usemouse = true
    ; left mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires SHIFT+left mouse button).
    popleft = false
    ; right mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires XP11.1).
    popright = true
    ; VR mode position and dimension (left,top,width,height) (requires XP11.20)
    vrmode.rect = 0,790,830,790
    ; display as popout window if true (requires XP11.1).
    undocked = false
    ; display mouse tooltips if true.
    tooltips = false
    ; freeze display position if true.
    locked = false
    ; auto hide in external view if true.
    autohide = false

    ; display window if true.
    visible = false
    ; show screen only gauge if true.
    nobezel = true
    ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS
    frame.type = PANELS
    ; display position and dimension (left,top,width,height)
    frame.rect = 0,0,0,0
    ; screen only border size (pixels).
    border.size = 0
    ; screen only border color (#RGB or #RGBA).
    border.rgba = #000000
    ; enable mouse clickspots if true, disable if false (use SHIFT to override)
    usemouse = true
    ; left mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires SHIFT+left mouse button).
    popleft = false
    ; right mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires XP11.1).
    popright = true

    ; comma separated list of render targets.
    drawto = WINDOW, PANELS
    ; is the master device if true.
    MasterDevice = false
    ; aviation db: 0: nav_db2_grm, 1: nav_db2, 2: nav_heli_db2_grmn, 3: nav_heli_db2
    NavDbType = 1

    ; display window if true.
    visible = false
    ; show screen only gauge if true.
    nobezel = false
    ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS
    frame.type = WINDOW
    ; display position and dimension (left,top,width,height)
    frame.rect = 1806,1272,830,790
    ; screen only border size (pixels).
    border.size = 0
    ; screen only border color (#RGB or #RGBA).
    border.rgba = #000000
    ; enable mouse clickspots if true, disable if false (use SHIFT to override)
    usemouse = true
    ; left mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires SHIFT+left mouse button).
    popleft = false
    ; right mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires XP11.1).
    popright = true
    ; VR mode position and dimension (left,top,width,height) (requires XP11.20)
    vrmode.rect = 0,790,830,790
    ; display as popout window if true (requires XP11.1).
    undocked = false
    ; display mouse tooltips if true.
    tooltips = false
    ; freeze display position if true.
    locked = false
    ; auto hide in external view if true.
    autohide = false

    ; display window if true.
    visible = false
    ; show screen only gauge if true.
    nobezel = true
    ; display type: WINDOW,PANEL2D,PANEL3D,PANELS
    frame.type = PANELS
    ; display position and dimension (left,top,width,height)
    frame.rect = 0,0,0,0
    ; screen only border size (pixels).
    border.size = 0
    ; screen only border color (#RGB or #RGBA).
    border.rgba = #000000
    ; enable mouse clickspots if true, disable if false (use SHIFT to override)
    usemouse = true
    ; left mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires SHIFT+left mouse button).
    popleft = false
    ; right mouse button on the screen toggles popup window if true (requires XP11.1).
    popright = true

  11. On 11 August 2017 at 0:43 AM, ZLA Steve said:

    On the topic of manners, the OP put this up barely 2 days ago and new to the forum and the company. There's a high likelihood that he's hasn't even returned to the forum since his initial post.

    Comments like these are demonstrative of the negative reputation this forum has earned within the sim community. Next time, ask yourself if you really adding anything to the discussion before you reply in this manner? 

    Thank you Steve! Somiller seems to be a bit impatient and rude. I've spent the last few days of my busy life trying to solve the problems. It appears that my new computer is faulty. I ran the Windows memory test tool and it failed. I also installed the Jetstream on a friend's computer and it ran fine. The offending computer has been returned for testing. I apologise for my initial rant, just a moment of anger over the time wasted. I'm not sorry for the caps, but here goes. I ALWAYS REPLY TO A THREAD WHEN THERE ARE REPLIES FROM MEMBERS! As I do with all forums I belong to.

    Thank you people for your replies and suggestions.


    PS Somiller, I'm not lonely

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  12. I've just purchased the Jetstream into a new install of FSX on a new computer. Have added the excellent Aerosoft Consolidated Catalina and some UK airports all of which work well and cost considerably less than PMDG stuff. Attempted to run the tutorial for the  Jetstream (what tutorial?) as shown in the load files. Large Graphical glitches occurred  Across the outside scenery. I exited the flight and FSX gave a fatal error message and closed. Tried reinstalling the Jetstream same thing happened. Tried changing location etc. No good, crashes FSX every time. Just need to know how I get my money back? Absolutely no problems with this fast PC except this plane. BTW can find no manuals for it either! Will definitely avoid this company in future. BTW service pack 1 and 2 installed. There is a link for service pack for the Jetstream but that just brings up 'file not found' on the PMDG site.


  13. Thanks for the welcome guys (gals?) Thinking about a new PC atm as mine is showing its age. Will change to X-Plane 11 as this seems to be the best around. Just hope PMDG patch the DC-6 Cloudmaster to work properly for version 11. Just the type of plane I would like to master any time soon.



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