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  1. i assume that by PG you mean photogrammetry Like i just said to DJJose, it doesn't matter where im landing. (read what i've just replied to DJJose) I Don't have any mods, only a couple of super basic addon airports for argentina and addon aircraft.
  2. Again, it's not a problem with my graphics settings. If i spawn on short ginal for RWY04 at LaGuardia right next to manhattan with a taxing airliner like the 737 the sim runs without issue even on higher settings. It only happens if i've been flying for a couple hours beforehand on the same flight. Even on less demanding airport, like a default airport in a non-photogrametry city, and it happens on the lowest of settings
  3. As i said, it's been present since launch. SU5 only fixed it briefly.
  4. Title. Since the sim launched i've had the game turn into a slideshow whenever i get within 100ft of the runway on airliners. However, it only happens if im doing a full flight. What i mean is, for example, if i enter the world map, select a random airport with say the new pmdg 737 and select it only as arrival so that i spawn in short final to land the plane, the sim runs perfectly. But if i come in to land from a full flight, the mentioned issue happens. No matter how low i set the graphics and how many performance tweaks i try, since it runs perfectly in any other situation. The issue dissapeard in Sim Update 5, but came back on sim update 6 What could be causing this?
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