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Posts posted by FuriousBird

  1. 17 hours ago, Jan Urban said:

    Hi all.

    After not using MSFS too much lately and now returning to the sim, I was looking to improve my Longitude cockpit with a texture mod made by "More Right Rudder".
    This mod used to be available on fs.to ( https://flightsim.to/file/45583/c700-longitude-cockpit-texture-mod ) but has been pulled from there.
    I can also no longer find this mod on the WT discord servers.

    Does anyone know where to find this file? Or maybe someone can send it to me? A download link via "wetransfer" etc. is also a good option. You can also DM me. 

    Many thanks in advance.





    I do have this texture mod from MRR. It was removed from Fs.to a while back and could only be downloaded in the "longitude" channel's pinned messages from working title discord. That's where i downloaded it myself some time ago. And just checking now before i send you there, it seems to have been removed from there as well. Someone asked the same in the discord yesterday and got this answer :

    "The files needed to be pulled as they contained the cockpit art from the encrypted Longitude package"

  2. 7 hours ago, Keirtt said:

    I’m still noticing when I flare that the nose does this thing where it has a very subtle bounce to it. It doesn’t feel smooth like other aircraft. Difficult to explain, but rather challenging when trying to flare the plane.

    Just in case it has an effect, please note their simbrief profile was updated with the new version and make sure to not use the msfs weight and payload menu (use the fmc payload manager).

    • Like 1

  3. Did anyone notice the prop lever going from max (100% range )to about 75% inflight by itself?  I am pretty sure i don't touch my physical lever (Thrustmaster TCA quadrant) unless i want to reduce rpm. This happened on 2 consecutive flights, and on the 2nd flight i even unassigned the prop lever and only used the virtual prop lever from the aircraft...to eliminate a potential hardware issue.

  4. Hi,

    in case it helps anyone, i am on a 7700K, 16Gb Ram and 1080Ti system built 2 or 3 years ago, which i overclocked at the time and disabled HT. I use a dell U3415W 1440P monitor.

    My experience with the new sim has been pretty good so far without major issues, besides some heavy stutters and long pauses at moments (i was noticing 95%+ constant CPU usage, with lower GPU usage) .

    Today, i decided to re-load the default profile in the bios which removes overclock and puts HT back ON and other complex settings i didn´t know much about that i was still playing with. I am glad i did, because i now get much less stutters and no long pause at all. CPU usage is averaging 40-60% and GPU 60 - 90% depending on scenery complexity. CPU and GPU now work hand in hand to deliver quite a pleasing experience. CPU didn´t get overloaded a single time.

    Graphic Settings is a mix of Medium / High-end (clouds and resolution especially at High).

    I am a hardcore simmer, used to fslabs and pmdg stuff and ivao but i am truly enjoying the sim even with the default a320 which in my opinion is quite ok and flyable.

    So i highly recommend people with older gen tweaked hardware (likely optimized to accomodate older sims) to double check their bios and try to reset any complex settings like OC, voltage and so on (and maybe fix eventually unstable combos that remained un-noticed). I felt people with newer Gen hardware complained much less, probably because they didn´t feel the need to play with bios settings.


    • Like 2

  5. First flights here with extreme prototype GLJ25 paired with F1 GTN750 (also newly bought for the magnificient LJ25 from XP). I fly online and i was not aware of the GTN database not updating frequently...2 flights until now (one to GOBD, which is a new airport and one to SBRJ santos-dumont) and on both of them i was limited with the GTN. GOBD is new, so ended up doing a VOR navigation and once there execute a GTN free approach. But that was nothing compared to SBRJ which was  a total mess 😄 I want to forget that experience! I was also using newest charts since i got the navigraph cloud subscription so they clearly cannot all work together. One solution would be to use database from 1611 for everything (chart, flight planning..) and put the database you are using in remark section to let the ATCs know about your situation.



  6. Hey all, for those in terrible need of west african airports, FSDG released Dakar LITE-series for 8,00 euros (GOBD - Blaise Diagne) which recently replaced GOOY (Leopold Sedar Senghor airport) for commercial operations.

    A big thank to them for supporting such underrepresented areas in the flightsim world!  

    Paris - Dakar here we go 😎




  7. 6 flights here since i got the bird. I use the weather radar on the ND with active sky and Skyforce textures (only using sky colors from asca) and had no problem at all. My experience is very good, add to that i'm heavy VR user. My computer wants to scream for help sometimes during extreme weather conditions like my last flight over bangkok on ivao during a big event with lots of pilots and lots of strange holding patterns but everything stayed rock stable...This is on a 7700k / 1080 Ti system (388.59 nvidia driver), 16gb Ram, Win 10 P3dV4.2. Or am i just lucky?


  8. Due to this issue where i first though my rift died (spent an hour Debugging), i gave up then did my afterwork flight in normal 2D. I really missed my rift for take off and landing (pmdg ):/. Back to constant mouse panning was just horrible....

    It was just after the flight that i googled the error message to find out it was global and i am now glad it was fixed.

    I´m not sure what to do with the 15$ oculus store credit but it is welcome.


  9. Hi Dave,

    Thank you for your support. I wanted to report that i accidentally found the problem (it was high time). I gave up trying to make single pass work since i did not want a full reinstall and moved on next task which was to update URP1.1 to the 1.2 public beta paired with reshade. After lot of head scratching with that new task i just decided to remove urp and reset the default shaders (through the URP1.1 menu). I then ran the sim and tested the look of a PTA preset. Since it was looking fine i decided to see all that through VR. Once in VR, it seemed too smooth for the usual stereo mode. I checked the vr menu and noticed that it was actually single pass mode.

    So for my situation i suppose it was some shaders issue with ultimate realism pack. 

    Hardware is a 7700k - 16Gb Ram - 1080Ti - Win10 build. Nvidia driver is 388.59



  10. I just tried this beta. Awesome...I can finally have charts on board perfectly readable (adjust zoom/distance and placement). I use the navigraph charts desktop app with moving map.

    On 07/12/2017 at 9:53 PM, Woozie said:

    However, interacting with those windows (scrolling, clicking..) is currently a bit of a nuisance as you need to use your touch controllers for that. Mouse support should come soon, but i suspect that it will only work while in the dash

     It would indeed have been good to be able to resize, move the windows from p3d vr directly instead of switching to the dash (which doesnt show where exactly the window will be placed in your cockpit environment, so its a bit of a guess work to get to place it down the left window in the pmdg 737).

    I believe its actually possible to interact with them if the touch controllers can be used in native p3dv4.1 (i couldn't see them active in the cockpit at all...).



  11. On ‎24‎.‎10‎.‎2017 at 11:50 PM, guit32 said:

    Furious bird 

    Did you test with soft cloud to see if you see spinning clouds ?

    Yes i did and still see Spinning clouds...

    Like others mentionned i also Kept using native VR. The most useful Feature i like about the native is the ability to Switch between 2D and vr easily (vr for taxi and take off/landing and 2d  for pre-flight / in-flight and descent preparation and taxi in Major airports). It´s plenty enough for me for my type of flying (vatsim/ivao with pmdg heavies) and Performance is very good (all scenery sliders to normal which is also plenty enough for my taste, shadow draw distance high and shadow Quality low + building - Vegetation etc receiving shadows). Water is on Low...and the sim is still very good looking in Vr and 2D :). The few times i could experience Performance Problem in vr in a pmdg aircraft in loaded Environment (mostly happens in heavy weather), i just accept to Switch to mono mode instead of Stereo and Keep enjoying the ride.


  12. On 13/10/2017 at 10:28 PM, chass32 said:

    And (and it is a big AND), no spinning clouds in VR!! Active sky in VR in its full glory!

    Love it!



    I was very happy about this information until :

    14 hours ago, guit32 said:

    Still spinning clouds for me with flyinisde but not in native vR ??


    indeed strange...

    These spinning clouds were major problem for me but unfortunately can't test flyinside demo yet because of fatal error after loading...

    For information i still have spinning clouds in native P3DV4.1 VR. 



  13. Hi all,

    i am one of many who experience this crash after selecting a flight and loading the scenario in FlyInside.

    FlyInside Fatal Error Encountered (-2005270523, 0)
    Rendering\D3D11\D3D11Context.cpp: Line 117

    Did it happen to any of you and how did you eventually fix it?

    I tried:

    1) Removing prepared.cfg and let the app generate a new one, allowing flysinde do its changes in the config file at startup.

    2) Removing the shader cache (i have PTA and read about possible issues with FI)

    3) Setting in Chaseplane to not auto-start with P3D and start p3d without it.


    Running Nvidia driver 385.69 in Windows 10.  GPU is a GTX 1080TI


    Kind Regards,




  14. 41 minutes ago, virtualflying said:

    I'm buying one stick of RAM, then after selling my current parts, buy another stick of the same type of 8GB, so I will have 16GB. Don't worry, I love my current 16GB setup!

    I would still not recommend that. I found the following advise to be very true :

    3 hours ago, vortex681 said:

    Also, whatever amount of RAM you go for, make sure that you get two matched modules rather than one

    That "matched" is important (factory matched) so you would Need to buy them together, both in the same package...


    I wouldn´t recommend one in particular as i don´t know your Budget and there are a lot in the market for different Needs. I personally use a high end one (maximus ix formula) that you don´t necessarly Need...it´s all about choosing the one that will give you connectivity and other Features you Need, decent build Quality and design to be able to accomodate high end components like the 7700k, a powerful graphics Card and  3000mhz+ ram (not all boards are stable with high Speed ram) and such boards are generally not too cheap :biggrin:, also is it a Long term build and does it give headroom for upgrading (Multi gpu Support etc), is it well reviewed...It will be the foundation of your build, choose it wisely.




  15. 14 hours ago, chass32 said:

    The default v4 clouds don´t spin as much as ActiveSky+ASCA (probably is a matter of quantity). I learnt it the hard way, I completely forgot about the spinning clouds until I bought the full package. The distant clouds look terrific, but once you get close to them...

    Exactly what i noticed.

    13 hours ago, HiFlyer said:

    Fsx limited the spinning effect apparently by having the clouds rotate to face the plane, not to face the pilot: this reduces the effect significantly in VR

    I think in flyinside p3dv3 there was that Option to spin the clouds either depending on the plane´s direction or the HMD direction...As it´s not available yet for V4 i believe there should still be a way to manipulate a variable, which i will hunt this Weekend.



  16. Hi,

    CPU is fine. But for such cpu, i wouldn´t go that cheap on the Motherboard. If you intend to overclock (i guess your reason to target a 7700k), i´d go with an asus model as the overclocking process will be easier...

    i think you definitely don´t want a single 8gb stick Memory. I would go with dual channel and preferably 16 gb for P3DV4. Pay also Attention on your Memory Speed and Timing (ideal would be a 16gb dual channel 3600Mhz CL15 or 3200Mhz CL14 ).



  17. Hey everybody,

    I guess you all notice the smallest Details in VR and same goes for the small (or big) imperfections...here i will talk about the spining clouds in VR. Do any of you have a way to reduce the effect? maybe PTA can help if i recall?

    It can be really annoying, and it seems at least for me to be more pronounced with ASCA cloud textures, where it seemed that the Default p3dv4 were better optimized in that aspect...



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