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Posts posted by andro_b

  1. Hi Alex,

    I just obtained the latest x737FMC for the x737 Project 737-700 and 737-800, for X-Plane 11.11. This FMC does not load X-Plane flight plans now in 11.11, but support is planned in the future. In the meantime, Javier, the developer of x737FMC (which is really something!) says that it will take UFMC format plans.

    How hard would it be to make Little Navmap export to that format?

    Along with the large number of export formats you now support, Little Navmap is starting to become a universal format converter!


  2. Hi @RXP, sorry, sometimes over here in Australia we sometimes forget the huge time difference.

    I think the issue became insoluble on my system, for reasons I do not understand, even speaking as a software developer myself. But I am at pains to point out that when it does work this is a really great GPS, and a really terrific achievement to integrate the Garmin Trainer into the cockpit. Well done.

  3. This is getting long, I 'm sorry.

    A complete refresh of X-Plane from total erasure - same thing, Invalid License. I tried showing the GTN 750 in the Cessna 172SP - same thing. This proves it is not related to the Jetstream J32, which directly supports the GTN 750. The issue lies with RXP.

    How are we going to solve this? Google leads to a few similar situations, but no practical solution.

    There are log files from the RXP plugin and DLL, but they amount to nothing, two or three lines. Can the logging level be increased? It would be helpful to have visibility into what you code is doing at least at a logging level.

    In case it is of use:

    Windows 10 Home

    Version 1709

    OS Build 16299.125


  4. The support staff reset my F1 password, and advised to redownload the installer, and choose reinstall. The reinstall works fine, but the GTN 750 comes up with the Jetstream J32 with 'Invalid License', yet again.

    I dont get it, because this is effectively just a new Window 10 machine, having been erased and reinstalled due to a nasty Microsoft Windows 10 issue, so it should be clean and pristine. the X-Plane 11 install is also fresh and clean. No registry keys have been touched. As a software developer myself, I find it rather curious. On what basis is the RXP software saying the license is invalid? What is is actually looking, apart from the keyfile?

    i'd like to solve this very much, as it is making me hesitate to get the FSX version as the same problem may arise, and it would be so nice to have it running in X-Plane again - just when I was getting used to using it! Is there something in the keyfile that is associated with my machine that needs updating for the new instance of Windows 10 (I asked this before, but its not clear what the answer to that is).

  5. Connected. I opened a ticket and the guidance offered there was helpful, but not successful

    It's unclear to me why this product wont install on a fresh copy of Windows 10. I am afraid at this stage I will have to apply for a refund and forgo the use of this really great and wonderful GPS. Such a pity.

  6. I see. So that explains it. I have followed all the instructions, but I did not see any way to reauthenticate for a new machine, except for some license transfer tool for installing on machines not connected to the internet. Can you guide me?

    At least this explains the mystery. Thanks!

    [I reinstalled 4 times today with the order retrieval process and so on, so I must be short of some step.]

  7. I can confirm all steps followed faithfully.


    Could this be related to the fact that I had to erase and completely reinstall Windows 10 fresh on my system, effectively making it a different computer? Do you track machine ID's? The reinstall is why I have to reinstall the GTN 750.


  8. I reinstalled the GTN 750 into X-Plane 11.11 on a freshly built Windows 10 system, but into an existing X-Plane installation on a data disk. When I try to use it with the JRollon Jetstream J32 either it shows a blank unresponsive screen, or if it does come up it states 'Invalid License - Contact Vendor'.

    I guess I am contacting the vendor by this post. What is going on? Worked very nicely until the complete reinstall.

  9. Hi all,

    A very careful reinstall of the Reality XP GTN 750 and the Garmin Trainer cleared up this issue.

    I had installed the Garmin Trainer separately, and also aborted the process a couple of times when it appeared to be hung - not very wise in hindsight. By solely using the GTN 750 installer which installs the Garmin Trainer for you, everything is now fully functional. And what a delight to be able to import user defined waypoints. And amazingly, just today the new 1.8.4 Little Navmap can export to the GTN 750 in X-Plane.

    • Upvote 1

  10. With X-Plane 11.01 and the Jetstream J32 and the Reality-XP GTN 750, no flight plans show up in the catalog menu. They appear in the Garmin Trainer just fine, including my own plans created with the new 1.8.4 export function in Little Navmap (thanks Alex for the most wonderful program!).

    Given this, what could be wrong? My error, or a defect?

    [Sorry, this should have been posted in the Reality XP X-Plane forum. I don't know how to shift it.]

  11. Hi Alex, thank you for this update - most appreciated, and perfect for the Reality XP GTN 750 I just got yesterday.

    Not that this has anything to do with Little Navamp which works fine, but the GTN 750, at least in X-Plane 11.10 with the Jetstream J32 does not show any plans in the catalog, no matter how carefully I study the documentation for the correct locations. SInce you have been developing with this device in mind at 1.8.4, do you happen to know anything about this?

    [solved: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/521959-flight-plans-missing/?page=2#comment-3772649 ]

  12. I have the same issue, having just purchased the GTN 750, no matter how carefully I check the flight plan location according to the documentation, in the Jetstream J32 at least, no plans show up in the catalog. Any clues anybody? Using version 6.41, X-Plane 11.10.

    I now notice that the Garmin Trainer executable finds the flight plans in the catalog folder, but the Reality-XP GTN 750 does not. What is that telling me?


  13. Further to this, solved (mostly). The correct installation folder for the Navigraph FMS Data Manager to use is:

    E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\CarenadoNavigraph\Navigraph

    The AUX page now shows the information for AIRAC cycle 1713.

    The Cycle number is correct, the effective date is correct: 07-DEC-17, but the Expires date is wrong: 03-JAN-03. Is this a bug?






  14. I just purchased the E50P Phenom, and the Navigraph extension pack. I have a Navigraph subscription, and I used the FMS Data Manager from Navigraph to install AIRAC cycle 1713 into what I hope is the right location. On my system for FSX-SE:

    E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\CarenadoNavigraph\Navigraph\NavData\Proc

    How can I tell if the model is actually using this data? The splash screen for the G1000 Prodigy has some static text which is obviously not current. the AUX page for System Status shows System Software Version 0719.09, but the Aviation panel shows Cycle 0611, Effective 26-MAR-16, Expires 23-NOV-16. Are these just dummy dates? [They don't correspond to the AIRAC published dates.]

    Is it possible to tell the version of the Navigraph data, or even if it is using it at all?

  15. This is possibly one step closer to a solution. I created a file user_fix.dat in the CustomData folder alongside earth_fix.dat. Adding a fix here in Victoria Australia for a location near Cobden, a small regional town with very little navigation data available - as for much of Australia - works. Here's the file:

    1101 Version - data cycle 1710, build 20170901, metadata FixXP1101.

    -38.2866667 143.6800000 ACBBA ENRT ZZ

    I am now able to see the fix ACBBA in the Garmin G530 and the aircraft are happy to fly to this point. All looks good.

    So in one sense I have achieved the goal, but the question remains, what is the proper and approved way to do this, and why can't the X-Plane map window allow this?



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