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Everything posted by JJJ

  1. PMDG777 After reinstalling into the game, all the instruments All black table, all keys can not be used, there is no landing gear please help me thank Junjie Lin
  2. You read the article I read, I do not know what I want to do next step
  3. Hello there So W10 will be the same with the W7 will collapse? Do you update the file in November to help us solve this problem? I read the article, but I do not know what to do to improve the action Thank you for your hard work So to the real name? Is the name or the place of signature, I can not find where I can change my name
  4. Hello there Morning P3DV4 and PMDG777 also run normally, the afternoon game when I set PMDG777 CDU in the cold compartment, the P3D closed and reopened Only see the p3d run icon and read the bar for two seconds then P3D will automatically shut down and can not open try to fix Not work, and then trouble you look grateful
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