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Everything posted by xDennis0811

  1. Didn't work Same problem like before :/
  2. How can I clear my shaders ? :/
  3. Should work now, had it on private :)
  4. Hello Guys, I'm using Prepar3D V4 and my Clouds always resizing and this looks very weird.How can I fix this and make them look nice again ? :) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCJ_vuDclYc
  5. Finally get it managed to work :) So now I will cleanup the Code and rename the Events and IDs.After that I try to play a Sound on Pushback which seems to be very hard because I don't find anything about it in the documentation and then I will implement some Maths algorithms for for the Pushback :)
  6. I pasted the whole code here.I hope there aren't so many mistakes in it :D And I try a Beech 350 next time instead of a PMDG :) CODE: //Copyright (c) Lockheed Martin Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SimConnect Text Menu sample // // Description: // Ctrl F1 displays a menu on the screen // Ctrl F2 removes the menu from the screen // Selecting any menu option sends an event and removes the menu //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "SimConnect.h" #include <strsafe.h> #include <stdlib.h> void Pushback(); void changeSpeedAndHeading(); struct Struct1 { char title[256]; double kohlsmann; double altitude; double latitude; double longitude; double airspeed; double groundAltitude; double groundVelocity; double heading; }; struct StructSpeed { double velocityX; double velocityY; double velocityZ; SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ velo; }; struct StructBrake { double brakeSet; }; enum GROUP_ID { GROUP0, GROUPA, }; enum EVENT_ID { EVENT_SIM_START, EVENT1, EVENT2, EVENT_MENU_1, EVENT_TEXT_1, EVENT_MESSAGE_1, EVENT_PUSHBACK, EVENT_TUG_SPEED, EVENT_TUG_HEADING, }; enum INPUT_ID { INPUT0, }; enum DATA_DEFINE_ID { DEFINITION_1, DEFINITION_6, DEFINITION_THROTTLE, DEFINITION_SPEED, DEFINITION_AIRCRAFT, DEFINITION_PARKINGBRAKE }; enum DATA_REQUEST_ID { REQUEST_1, REQUEST_SPEED, }; bool enginesRunning; int quit = 0; HANDLE hSimConnect = NULL; static const char Empty1[] = ""; static const char Menu1[] = "BetterPushback Menu\0 Choose which item:\0 Pushback straight Backward\0 Pushback with Nose to the Left\0 Pushback with Nose to the Right\0 Spawn at Eglin Airport Runway 12"; char title[]; double latitude; double longitude; double altitude; double heading; double parkingBrakeSet; Struct1 *pS; StructSpeed *pp; StructBrake *pb; const char* MenuText(SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT result) { switch (result) { case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_1: Pushback(); return ""; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_2: system("cls"); return ""; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_3: changeSpeedAndHeading(); return ""; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_4: return ""; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_DISPLAYED: return ""; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_QUEUED: return "Queued"; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_REMOVED: return "Removed from Queue"; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_REPLACED: return "Replaced in Queue"; break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_TIMEOUT: return "Timeout"; break; default: return "<unknown>"; break; } } void CALLBACK MySignalProc(SIMCONNECT_RECV* pData, DWORD cbData, void *pContext) { HRESULT hr; switch (pData->dwID) { case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_SIMOBJECT_DATA_BYTYPE: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_SIMOBJECT_DATA_BYTYPE *pObjData = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_SIMOBJECT_DATA_BYTYPE*)pData; switch (pObjData->dwRequestID) { case REQUEST_1: { DWORD ObjectID = pObjData->dwObjectID; pS = (Struct1*)&pObjData->dwData; if (SUCCEEDED(StringCbLengthA(&pS->title[0], sizeof(pS->title), NULL))) // security check { latitude = pS->latitude; longitude = pS->longitude; altitude = pS->altitude; heading = pS->heading; printf("Title is: %s \n", pS->title); printf("Latitude is: %f \n", latitude); printf("Longitude is: %f \n", longitude); printf("Altitude is: %.0f \n", altitude); printf("Airspeed is: %.0f \n", pS->airspeed); printf("Ground Altitude is: %.0f \n", pS->groundAltitude); printf("Ground Velocity is: %.0f \n", pS->groundVelocity); printf("Heading: %.2f \n\n", pS->heading); } pp = (StructSpeed*)&pObjData->dwData; float fpsToKnotsX = pp->velocityX * 0.592484; float fpsToKnotsY = pp->velocityY * 0.592484; float fpsToKnotsZ = pp->velocityZ * 0.592484; // printf("Velocity BODY X is: %.6f \n", fpsToKnotsX); // printf("Velocity BODY Y is: %.6f \n", fpsToKnotsY); // printf("Velocity BODY Z is: %.6f \n", fpsToKnotsZ); // printf("Data is: %f \n", pp->velo); pb = (StructBrake*)&pObjData->dwData; parkingBrakeSet = pb->brakeSet; printf("Parking Brake: %f \n", parkingBrakeSet); break; } default: break; } break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_OPEN: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_OPEN *pOpen = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_OPEN*)pData; printf("Open: AppName=\"%s\" AppVersion=%d.%d.%d.%d SimConnectVersion=%d.%d.%d.%d\n", pOpen->szApplicationName, pOpen->dwApplicationVersionMajor, pOpen->dwApplicationVersionMinor, pOpen->dwApplicationBuildMajor, pOpen->dwApplicationBuildMinor, pOpen->dwSimConnectVersionMajor, pOpen->dwSimConnectVersionMinor, pOpen->dwSimConnectBuildMajor, pOpen->dwSimConnectBuildMinor ); break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_EVENT: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT *evt = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT*)pData; switch (evt->uEventID) { case EVENT_SIM_START: { printf("\nRequesting Data..\n"); // Now the sim is running, request information on the user aircraft hr = SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType(hSimConnect, REQUEST_1, DEFINITION_1, 0, SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE_USER); hr = SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType(hSimConnect, REQUEST_SPEED, DEFINITION_SPEED, 0, SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE_USER); break; } case EVENT1: // Display menu SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, EVENT_MENU_1, sizeof(Menu1), (void*)Menu1); break; case EVENT2: // Stop displaying menu SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, EVENT_MENU_1, sizeof(Empty1), (void*)Empty1); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_SCROLL_BLUE, 0, EVENT_TEXT_1, sizeof(Empty1), (void*)Empty1); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MESSAGE_WINDOW, 0, EVENT_MESSAGE_1, sizeof(Empty1), (void*)Empty1); break; case EVENT_MENU_1: // Respond to the users menu selection printf("\n"); printf(MenuText((SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT)evt->dwData)); break; default: printf(""); break; } break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_QUIT: { printf("\n***** SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_QUIT *****\n"); quit = 1; break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_EXCEPTION: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_EXCEPTION *except = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_EXCEPTION*)pData; printf("\n\n***** EXCEPTION=%d SendID=%d uOffset=%d cbData=%d\n", except->dwException, except->dwSendID, except->dwIndex, cbData); break; } default: printf("\nUNKNOWN DATA RECEIVED: pData=%p cbData=%d\n", pData, cbData); break; } } void Pushback() { HRESULT hr; printf("Pushback begins\n"); SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, 0, EVENT_PUSHBACK, 0, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); } void changeSpeedAndHeading() { printf("Setting Speed \n"); SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER, EVENT_TUG_HEADING, 16383, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER, EVENT_TUG_HEADING, 4294967295 / 8, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // main //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { HANDLE hEventHandle = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (hEventHandle == NULL) { printf("Error: Event creation failed! Quiting"); return GetLastError(); } if (FAILED(SimConnect_Open(&hSimConnect, "SimConnect Text", NULL, 0, hEventHandle, 0))) { printf("\nConnection to Prepar3D failed! Quiting"); return 1; } printf("\nConnection to Prepar3D established!\n"); HRESULT hr; // Request a simulation started event hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_SIM_START, "SimStart"); // Set up a data definition for positioning data hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_6, "Initial Position", NULL, SIMCONNECT_DATATYPE_INITPOSITION); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_AIRCRAFT, "ENG COMBUSTION", "BOOL"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_SPEED, "VELOCITY WORLD X", "feet per second"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_SPEED, "VELOCITY WORLD Y", "feet per second"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_SPEED, "VELOCITY WORLD Z", "feet per second"); // Set up the data definition, but do not yet do anything with it hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Title", NULL, SIMCONNECT_DATATYPE_STRING256); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Kohlsman setting hg", "inHg"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Plane Altitude", "feet"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Plane Latitude", "degrees"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Plane Longitude", "degrees"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Airspeed True", "knots"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "Ground Altitude", "meters"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "GROUND VELOCITY", "Knots"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_1, "PLANE HEADING DEGREES TRUE", "degrees"); hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(hSimConnect, DEFINITION_PARKINGBRAKE, "BRAKE PARKING POSITION", "bool"); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT1); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT2); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT1, TRUE); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUP0, EVENT2, TRUE); hr = SimConnect_SetNotificationGroupPriority(hSimConnect, GROUP0, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); hr = SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "Ctrl+Shift+F12", EVENT1); hr = SimConnect_MapInputEventToClientEvent(hSimConnect, INPUT0, "Ctrl+F2", EVENT2); hr = SimConnect_SetInputGroupState(hSimConnect, INPUT0, SIMCONNECT_STATE_ON); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_PUSHBACK, "toggle_pushback"); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUPA, EVENT_PUSHBACK); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_TUG_SPEED, "key_tug_speed"); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUPA, EVENT_TUG_SPEED); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_TUG_HEADING, "STEERING_SET"); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUPA, EVENT_TUG_HEADING); while (0 == quit && ::WaitForSingleObject(hEventHandle, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { hr = SimConnect_CallDispatch(hSimConnect, MySignalProc, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } } hr = SimConnect_Close(hSimConnect); CloseHandle(hEventHandle); return 0; }
  7. Already implemented that method but there is no Exception thrown.I start the Aircraft and the Pushback with a PMDG777 works but when I press a button which should change the Tug Heading, Tug Speed or the Nose wheel Steering nothing happens :)
  8. One short Question: Can I set the following Variables with these functions ? Full Right Nose Steering: SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER, EVENT_NOSE_STEERING, 16383, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); 45 Degree Angle Tug: SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER, EVENT_TUG_HEADING, 4294967295 / 8, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); Tug Speed: SimConnect_TransmitClientEvent(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER, EVENT_TUG_SPEED, 30, SIMCONNECT_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, SIMCONNECT_EVENT_FLAG_GROUPID_IS_PRIORITY); And they are defined as following: hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_NOSE_STEERING, "STEERING_SET"); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUPA, EVENT_NOSE_STEERING); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_TUG_SPEED, "key_tug_speed"); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUPA, EVENT_TUG_SPEED); hr = SimConnect_MapClientEventToSimEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_TUG_HEADING, "key_tug_heading"); hr = SimConnect_AddClientEventToNotificationGroup(hSimConnect, GROUPA, EVENT_TUG_HEADING);
  9. Okay I will do that thank you :) I managed the Pushback and now Im working on that the program dectect if the Parking Brake is set or not and also Im working on Tug Heading and speed but thanks for your help! :)
  10. First I wanted to read out the Velocity Body and Velocity World Values from an aircraft to get a better experience with these variables. Then I wanted to move the aircraft directly but that didn't work.So should I enable a sim event for the Pushback and then manipulate the tug heading and tug speed ? Will that work ? :) And how do I enable the Pushback event ? :)
  11. Hello Guys, I try to code a simple Pushback addon but I stuck for hours now on how to move the Aircraft on the Ground without reloading the whole Scenario.I hope someone can help me :) Thank you :)
  12. Okay I will try this and update to the latest Version.Thanks :)
  13. Hello Guys, My FO don't do the things he should do.When I begin with the Aircraft in Cold and Dark State and the FO should begin at Minute 59 with the "ELECTRICAL POWER UP SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURE" but he does nothing from this Procedure like turn on the Battery or something.This continues the whole fly so he didn't change the flaps to the Setting he should and so on.The only thing he does is to turn up the gear lever after takeoff :/ I'm using Prepar3D V4 and Windows 10 64-Bit.Had anyone tips how to solve this problem ? :)
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