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Rusty Gunz

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  1. Set up several "quick and dirty" plans and taxied to active runways. No problems with co-pilot "hi-jacking". I'll be reading the manual (finally, he said) re: the buttons you mentioned to gain further insight. Thanks again for your continuing support. Ken in Kansas
  2. Okey-dokey. Will do tomorrow and let you know if "hi-jacking" re-occurs. Thanks for the support!
  3. Hi Dave, I've read a couple of posts regarding this topic so I wanted to pass this along. I will continue to monitor the issue and will provide additional information when I get it. As mentioned in the title, I have experienced several instances in the past when the co-pilot "takes over" even though those options have been de-selected. In this specific instance (which has occurred more than once), I was monitoring the Speech panel settings while nearing the take-off runway as I taxied towards it. I had been "communicating" with ATC and controlling frequencies to this point. Neither the "Responds To Radio" nor the "Changes Frequencies" boxes had check marks when I began taxiing. As I drew near the active, Ground instructed me to contact the Tower. At that point, I noticed the "Responds To Radio" and "Changes Frequencies" boxes became "checked" and the co-pilot changed the frequency (which was set to Ground) to Tower and contacted the tower. I have attached screen shots of both the Speech Panel and the Buttons Panel in hopes they will assist you in telling me what I'm doing wrong. I will continue to run P2A with the Speech Panel open as I fly, to capture any additional instances of this "unrequested" change and will provide you with any relevant screen shots to, again, assist in determining where I have erred. Thanks. Ken in Kansas
  4. Thanks for the information, Dave. I'll try the things you mentioned and read the referenced post in this forum over the next several days. No rush, my demo is now a purchase. I look forward to learning/using Pilot2ATC. Ken in Kansas
  5. Well, despite numerous ongoing intermittent audio problems (none of which are the result of using P2A), I have two days of testing left and am very close to "pulling the trigger" on the purchase of the software. I do have one puzzler though. Sometimes the flight plan loaded into MSFS, having been exported from P2A, does not match the flight plan created in P2A. The P2A creation may have been from SimBrief or it may have been generated entirely within P2A before being exported to be loaded into MSFS. Can you give me any insights into this? Or could you point me to something in the documentation or perhaps a forum post relating to this topic? Thanks. Ken in Kansas
  6. Thanks for the prompt response, Dave. I'll take my eggs sunny side up, please - the ones on my face, that is. I apparently have had a sudden failure in one of my audio components. When I attempted to watch a video related to Pilot2ATC, I had no audio output either. At that time neither P2A nor MSFS were running, in fact nothing was running except the video in the browser and that was after a reboot (just in case). So now I have to troubleshoot the audio system to locate the faulty component. Then I can get back to testing P2A. I hate it when this happens and, initially at least, points to a totally innocent app as the culprit. My apologies, the timing of the failure was just weird enough to make me suspect an improper configuration of P2A - not the case. Ken in Kansas
  7. I just downloaded and installed the test version of Pilot2ATC. Watched a couple of videos re: installation and configuration. I think I have it configured correctly but cannot now hear ATC/ATIS. I was able to hear both initially but they are gone now. I am connected to MSFS, the Pwr button is green, the Speech Output Device is set to my speakers which are the Default Playback device in the Windows 11 Sound settings. The box in the lower right corner shows Simulator Connected Recognition Engine Installed Grammars Loaded ATIS Freq: 124.52 (my departure airport - EIDW, also the active freq in Com 1) Clr Del Freq: 121.87 (in Com 1 standby) ATIS does not play (or at least I can't hear it) on startup and connection to MSFS. I also tried quitting and restarting Pilot2ATC - no joy. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I'm too stupid/inexperienced to determine what the problem is. Any hints/suggestions/directions to documentation, etc would be greatly appreciated. FYI: I supplied the following links (not in any way related to my issue) in a reply to another post in the forum earlier today. I found the videos while researching Pilot2ATC setup, use, reviews, etc. You may find them useful. Adding Free Voices to Pilot2ATC Improving the Sound in Pilot2ATC Ken in Kansas
  8. Watch this step-by-step video. I did it and added 25 additional voices. Adding Free Voices to Pilot2ATC This video may also be useful to you for "normalizing" the voices or making them sound more "radio" realistic. Improving the Sound in Pilot2ATC
  9. Hi Ray, I have no problems or issues. I just wanted to say hi as it has been quite some time since we worked together to solve my last issue with Radar Contact - the one that wasn't really a Radar Contact problem, but another piece of software which was at fault - the "Voice Activated Commands" gremlin, back in Feb. 2020 (pre-pandemic). We even had a "remote control" session to troubleshoot the issue. Anyway just wanted to say "hello" and hope that you are doing well. Keep up the good work. Your friend and admirer, Ken in Kansas
  10. Ray, Thanks for the prompt and accurate response. Worked great! Glad to have my RC4 working again. Now I can fly without aimlessly wandering about the skies. 😉 Ken in Kansas
  11. If this question has already been answered, just point me to the answer and I'll take it from there. I downloaded the Key Generator that is now available due to the well deserved "retirement" of the folks involved with RC4 V3. I purchased the app many many moons ago, but needed a new key because of a system crash issue. Got the information about the cloud version of Radar Contact now being freely available for downloading along with the key generator. No instructions for key generation, however. So that's what I need to know. How do I generate and use the resulting key? Thanks for any direction you can provide. Ken in Kansas
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