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David Thompson

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Posts posted by David Thompson

  1. Hi all,

    After studiously reading through the first 156 pages of the manual I installed Pilot2ATC successfully and set up as much as I could. I use X-Plane 11 and set up the P2A autopilot to help as much as possible.

    I successfully created a flight plan from Guam (PGUM) to Haneda (RJTT) and validated it. After some practise and learning of the voice recognition I successfully contacted ground for push-back etc and eventually handed over to the tower. On approaching the requested runway Holding point things started going wonky. P2A became sluggish and a bunch of my voice requests appeared bunched together after a minute. After another run through the ground to tower sequence P2A once again clammed up, this time permanently. I discovered there was a "P2A COM Frequency" pop up that was unable to be closed. Nothing on that pop-up or the main P2A window was ever clickable again. It appeared to have hard crashed.

    The whole time X-Plane 11 continued to run perfectly. Closing XP11 did not cause P2A to recover. This was my first attempt at take-off with P2A and the first step in my evaluation of the well, evaluation. I'm hoping this is either a side-effect of something I did wrong or an easily-fixed rare bug.

    I've included a screenshot of the P2A and COM pop-up if it helps anyone assist.





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