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  1. Wat extra step u mean. I tried fs global 2018 too before. no changes Coud u post screen while flying over gmmw in morocco..
  2. so I installed africa according to instructions. i musst say my area north africa at GEML and GMMW not covered by freemeshx it wont work
  3. oh i forgott to install patches mybe thats why
  4. i copied folder of africa into add on scenery of fsx .and activated it through scenery liberary . can u look at area og GMMW airport ? nothing happen by me
  5. i tested it with europ .no resulte difference
  6. on the map i see north africa included in Europ im donwnloading europ . i will test it
  7. hello, i have downloaded freemesh x only africa torrent .installed sucefully . but i didnt remark any difference = 0 changes on my desired area so why shoud we install it ?
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