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Posts posted by Dbarnea

  1. https://ibb.co/kGXkc0c

    So I'll try to explain the picture. OSN is the second waypoint in the flight plan. can be seen in the Map and in the Flight planning grid.

    Plane is on its way to it according to the map.

    But according to the Elevation profile it is flying from the last end point to the first one. This is also what the grid shows. The purple line highlighted is the last waypoint. 

    And I have a pretty good idea why it happened. I have messed the order of the points. So I created a plan, wasn't happy with it and moved the order of the point around. So the Flight planning grid is exactly like I wanted it to be (in terms of order). But somehow the tracking process didn't "catch that". 

    Maybe the fact that the same airport is the source and destination contributes to that as well.

    At some point , the plane in the Elevation profile "turned around" and did follow the revised plan.



  2. My 5 cents here. 

    I run 2 screens via my 1 NVIdia 1080. What you're describing happens to me all the time. I click on anything on my non simulator screen , it doesn't effect my simulator, but, when I get back to the simulator screen, it stutters for several seconds then calms down.

    Searched about it in the internet, found discussions about the fact that the 2 screens are different resolution and also the fact that one is G-SYNC 144 Mhz and the other is not G-SYNC and is 60 MHz. I don't know if that's what happens on my side (although the resolution difference and the frequency difference are indeed true). 

    I didn't try to lower my 2K screen to by 1080p and 60 MHz in order to test that, maybe I will 🙂

    Or, buy another 2K G-Sync 144MHz screen and check that as well.

    Anyway, I don't think it involves NVM at all. Weird your setup is like that for a long time and you never encountered it before.

    • Upvote 1

  3. Hi Alex,

    I'm trying to insert new user points and get unique constraint exception. looks like for some reason it fails on the "abeam kea" ident. But that does not exist as user point, there is one similar in Australia while I'm trying to insert one in Greece.

    Here, try to import first the https://mega.nz/file/VXZlWI6Q#RaLxx9Iz9VhEF-nA3AVwQhVIm2mcSTM2aapnjDX_bhg

    Then this one https://mega.nz/file/QDIzyITQ#A_vdusZ9Fco59D38Xuzxa6-SY8O0vStapcAHDDydQ-k

    If you found a bug 🙂 and you're already in the fixing part, maybe you can also provide the functionality of ignoring import of user waypoints that exists on the same coordinates with the same type (VRP for example). This way I can just import more and more files from different sources (that has more coverage) but no duplicates will be created.



  4. Hi Alex,

    Any chance you'll find time to fix 2 small things on the IVAO plan ?

    1 - Departure time - now + 30 minutes

    2 - DOF/<today date - YYMMDD> in the 18 Other Information section.

    3 - less critical but will really really help. Altn Aerodrome can't be empty or equal to the 13 - Departure Aerodrome (issue warning if it does).

    All are IVAO rules.

    This way it won't get rejected on these things automatically which is what happens now.

    Thank you.



  5. Hi Alex,

    I'm trying to import all the possible formats from LittleNav Map to navigraph, with no success.

    Here is a sample pln that I exported from Navigraph, pln format, that they call "Microsoft flight simluator 2020" format.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SimBase.Document Type="AceXML" version="1,0">
        <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>
            <Title>EFMA/MHQ to ESSU/EKT (N806SB)</Title>
            <DepartureLLA>N60° 7' 18.84",E19° 53' 47.04",+000018.00</DepartureLLA>
            <DestinationLLA>N59° 21' 7.92",E16° 42' 29.88",+000140.00</DestinationLLA>
            <Descr>EFMA/MHQ to ESSU/EKT (N806SB) created by Navigraph</Descr>
            <ATCWaypoint id="EFMA">
                <WorldPosition>N60° 7' 18.84",E19° 53' 47.04",+000018.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="KOXFU">
                <WorldPosition>N60° 3' 11.94",E19° 50' 19.03",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="NARIL">
                <WorldPosition>N59° 58' 37.12",E19° 46' 22.66",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="OGLOB">
                <WorldPosition>N59° 55' 59.00",E19° 27' 44.00",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="TEB">
                <WorldPosition>N59° 31' 54.10",E18° 12' 11.90",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="PETEV">
                <WorldPosition>N59° 12' 25.80",E17° 0' 43.50",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="LX">
                <WorldPosition>N59° 16' 31.70",E16° 42' 47.30",+000000.00</WorldPosition>
            <ATCWaypoint id="ESSU">
                <WorldPosition>N59° 21' 7.92",E16° 42' 29.88",+000140.00</WorldPosition>

    Do you think you can support it in your export ?




  6. If someone tries to import that to their Garmins, for sure. but that's like cheating a VFR isn't it ? :-). If that's VFR, why put coordinates in your Garmin/FMC 🙂

    Anyway, if you find a way to enable that by configuration, then I guess whoever wants to import it will not tick it and whoever wants to fly real VFR online, can tick it on. I can say that I fly tons of VFRs online, using coordinates will always get rejected by the controller. 

    on a different topic :-), just because it happened 2 minutes ago, if  you try to add a userpoint that has an existing Ident , LittleNavPoint crashes :-).


  7. Hi Alex,

    Is it possible that for VFR flight plan, you will supply the route with the Name for the User way points rather then the coordinates when exporting to IVAO/VATSIM.

    When flying online, you can't put something like "DCT YNN DCT 3943N02137E DCT 3957N02137E DCT". The YNN is fine (it's a VOR), but the rest is info that is not really acceptable by the online controllers (and for a reason :-)) .

    In this example, the preferred way is "DCT YNN DCT KALABANKA DCT KARPERO DCT". 

    I would say, if it's a user waypoint and it has a name - use it. If not - the coordinate. Maybe flag that with an option "Use waypoints names for VFR flight plans".



  8. Hi Alex,

    Is it possible to allow us to define additional content directories to MSFS in order to enable you to scan them as well even if they are not active ?

    The rational behind that is that the more sceneries enabled , the more time it takes for the Sim to load, so I enable / disable them as I need them with directory links.But that requires me to load the scenery library again in NavMap every time to "see what is active", which takes lots of time as well.

    You already have the option to "exclude" directories, can you add one to "include" ? :-)




  9. In the context of a VFR flight, and I'm not a real pilot so maybe I'm wrong, when I'm filing a flight plan (to IVAO for example), there is no meaning to coordinates and , I assume, no one will try to import such a plan to Garmin or any other instrument. It's a VFR, not IFR. 

    What I'm after is being able to export your plan to IVAO. That won't work either way (not coordinates or coordinates/ident). If it's a VFR, no one should care about coordinates. I think. 

    Anyway, thanks for considering a solution for this.

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