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Posts posted by Quackarov

  1. Hello.  Currently pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is wrong with my sim.  I just reset my windows and installed Prepar3d.  No Addons, completely up to date PC.  I am trying to get by binds set up and for some reason I am getting the stupidest issues.

    If I set my parking brake, half a second later it gets unset.
    If I move my flaps down a tick, it immediately gets put back up.

    I have NO CLUE what is causing this.  Using search engines is useless as ever so I come here to ask for help.

    PLEASE help.


  2. Hey everybody,


    What do y'all personally recommend for me to check out for some jet training airplanes.  I have the Milviz Talon but after a bit of toying around, I realized that I should be looking for something a bit slower.  I am just starting out with it and want to take it slow to begin.  I would like to stick with Jets.


    Thanks in Advance,


  3. 23 minutes ago, Ed_S_Pilot said:

    I had the same thoughts and hooked up with a painter on the A2A forums. Did an excellent job of doing a paint for me of the aircraft i fly in my club. Turned out pretty good. There is a Paint request thread in the forums. Just another place to look if not found here.







    Who was the painter you hooked up with?  Are they still active?

  4. Hello everyone!

    I am a novice painter myself, but I do not obtain the skills to faithfully recreate the beautiful livery of my school's aircraft. I am a student of Mt.Sac, a community college for all kinds of things here in SoCal. One of those things is Aviation. Linked with the school, is a flight school at Brackett Field (KPOC). The school is called "College Aviation." All of their aircraft have the same paint in exception for the tail number. If you could please recreate this livery for me, it would be amazing. To fly with them in the simulator would be so cool. I would be willing to pay if it helps.

    I took 2/3 of the pictures myself from the diner near the taxiway. Let me know if you need anything else.

    Pictures: https://imgur.com/gallery/q8F3CY4


  5. I am reading through these with one of the biggest smiles I have had in a while.  I love all of the responses and stories people are willing to share.  It is really something special.  

    On one of the topics I have seen, the "game" comment was accidental.  I probably should have re-read it before clicking send, but oh well.  I made my bed, and now I must lay in it.  


    Again, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to respond!


    Thanks again!

    • Like 2

  6. 13 minutes ago, charliearon said:

    It sure as hell beats tic-tac-toe!:wacko:  Since this was a question for all, I have moved this topic into the Hangar Chat forum.

    This is a general question about why you Sim and not a Sim vs Sim situation.  Let's keep it that way! :happy:

    Thanks for moving it!  I really only post in the P3D forum so I thought I wouldn't bother anyone else.

  7. Hello everyone.  I would like to ask you all question.  What is the thing that keeps bringing you back to flight simulation?  Is it the views?  Or maybe the airplanes? Maybe it is the satisfaction of completing a flight.  What is it that makes you load up your game and get in an airplane?  


    Any answers welcome!  



    • Like 1

  8. Hello guys.  I am looking for a specific aircraft.  I will list below:


    Twin Prop Engines

    >170 KTS Cruise 

    Anti-Ice capability

    >800 nmi Range

    Study Level/ or close enough.

    Even just a Paint kit available.


    Let me know what you come up with!



  9. Hello everyone!  I had completed my first tour of the US, flying from KLGB, to eventually KJFK in my little PA24-250 Comanche.  I love that airplane, but I want to branch out a bit.  Now, because the AVSIM community always gives the best advice, I come here to ask a few things primarily about aircraft. BTW here is the route I took for those who are "interested:" http://prntscr.com/mwndp4

    First a few guidelines:

    1: Aircraft may be either twin or single prop.

    2: Aircraft may be either in a tricycle or tail-dragger configuration. 

    3: Aircraft shouldn't be too slow.  I love flying, but this is a simulator so I don't have all day, ya know? 

    4: Aircraft must have the ability to land and take off from relatively short runways.   I.E. Good takeoff performance. 

    5: It would also be a plus (not required at all) if it was faster than a Beech 35, so I can beat my friend when we fly 😉  .  

    6: The airplane must be made for P3D V4.  I don't want to hassle with any converters, unless the airplane has been proven to be %100 the same and working after converted.  

    7.  I require the fidelity of the airplane to be very high.  I will be spending a lot of time with it, so I would prefer there not to be anything the community deems overly unrealistic, or broken.  

    8.  Please provide links.




    PS:  IF you know any good business jets, put them in here too thanks ❤️ 

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