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Posts posted by diegoafov

  1. First of all I would like to thank you for the Falcon 50, it's my favorite plane and the one I fly almost always.

    Unfortunately a few months ago I discovered MSFS and I have fallen in love with the simulator graphically, the immersion with the terrain is spectacular but I miss my Falcon 50.

    EI know developers are currently busy with the new cessna 404 but we may see the Falcon 50 on MSFS in the future? Is there an estimated date?

    At least in my case I will be happy to pay again for the MSFS version in order to enjoy this magnificent plane.

    Thanks and happy flying!


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  2. Hello everyone, I have been a proud owner of the FSW Falcon 50 for a while, but I would like to fly a specific registration. One of the few Falcon 50s that have been in my country (only 3). If I knew how to do a repaint I promiss I wouldn't bore you with this but unfortunately I have tried and it is not my ability. The plane I am referring to is the EC-HHS. Today it is still in service despite being 30 years old but under another registration in another country. If someone would be kind enough to make me repaint I would be very grateful.

    Merry Christmas to all of you!





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