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Posts posted by Dand76

  1. Hello recently ive been flting in p3d and noticed when i hover over a control in the cockpit the mouse cursor get really tiny and lags my screen and looses fps. It also happens when i hit the space bar and look around using the mouse. Anyone have a solution to this ?


    Thank You 

  2. The p3d scenario screen loads up i choose active sky weather theme then choose my aircraft and then my starting airport, it then freezes then crashes. sometimes the loading screen will load up and then just start the default scenario without me actually getting to fly. Anyone have afix to this i havent been able to fly in a month because of this !!!!

  3. Hello 

    Everytime I try to fly the load up screen comes up it glitches freezes then starts a sceneio and when that scenario loads I can’t go in it. I heard suggestions saying uncheck the startup screen but that doesn’t work if anyone encountered the same problem please help !

  4. 3 minutes ago, DaveCT2003 said:

    There is a setting for Show Scenario Startup Screen, which you can adjust in the settings once your in the Sim.

    That should resolve this for you.

    Regarding the random flight, just create a new default and you should be set.



    how do i create a new default ?


  5.  Hello, 

    i never had this problem until v4.4 but everytime i start up p3d it starts up a default scenerio randomly. Also when im trying to the change aircrafts airport weather and time it freezes and crashes.... very annoying PLEASE HELP!!!

  6. hello i just bought the Fly Tampa boston rebooted and installed it but when i load it up the scenery loads but the aircraft loads underneath the runway and im not allowed to use the taxiway or runways im stuck underground 

    in need of a resolution 

    Thanks guys 

  7. Hello 

    I recently bought the Aerosoft A320/A321 because i saw it was compatible for prepar3d but its only compatible for v3

    does anyone know how to make it work in prepar3d v4 i installed it and nothing works only the lights. the displays dont work and the controls dont work PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

  8. Hey guys, 

    ive been tweaking my fsx cfg file for awhile and recently ive notice blurry textures i dont know what happened why it all of a sudden it started going blury. at first it starts fine then there is blur everywhere does anyone have any ideas to fix this thanks so much.


    My Specs 

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3401Mhz 4 Core(s) 

    Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 

    1tb hard drive 

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