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  1. At the scenery's current stage, some jetways are missing or nonoperational if I understood correctly. For that reason, until the scenery is out of development, if you want every jetway to work, then your best bet is to use the GSX L2 profile.
  2. Thanks, I'll make that change in the README file asap.
  3. Is the KDTW_SSJ_DL.xml file apart of the jetways at all? If not, I will remove the direction in my README.txt file that removes this. There are 3 other .xml files in the SODE/xml folder which I know for sure are the files for the jetways due to their names, and may have assumed that this SSJ_DL.xml file was aswell. Thanks!
  4. If you’re talking about gates A24 and A28, from satellite imagery and google images, those two stands only have one jetway.
  5. Hello all, I am happy to release my GSX profile for this wonderful freeware scenery! Hopefully this makes the experience usable until the full version is released 🙂 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1ixs8eid7ue4vep/AAC9ziyutgFE_RHQ2mDltbGSa?dl=0 Each gate has the appropriate Jetway along with placed ground vehicles to not interfere with scenery objects. Several points: - Terminals D and C AFCAD files do NOT match the gate information for the terminal marking's, so, I ignored the AFCAD information and placed jetway markings to match the actual gate number - One of the gates in Terminal D doesn't have a jetways (either 21 or 23 as I forgot) due to a duplication in the AFCAD file forcing one of the jetways to teleport on top of the other duplicate on each restart of P3D - Terminal C was quite difficult to find suitable jetways for such tight spaces, so several gates may seem awkward (if you edit something which works better, let me know :)) - Several gates in the ADFCAD for Terminal C were missing, so they don't have jetways - The North end of Terminal C has been modeled as still under construction, so I didn't make any jetways for them - Please read the given READ ME text file for installation instructions, as it is required to remove the old SODE jetways I hope you all enjoy this, as it took me many hours over the past couple of days with 100+ gates to work on. Thank you again for the fantastic scenery!!! Also, If anyone has any feedback or edits (either to fix the AFCAD file or GSX profile), they'd be greatly appreciated as this was my first full airport profile in GSX v2
  6. I have been working on a GSX profile for jetways for the past several days. Currently I have concourses D, B, and C completed... All I have is A remaining. There were quite a few hiccups though with Concourse C and gate numbers since it is the least completed of them all, but everything should be usable, especially with the other concourses. I will share when completed!
  7. First off, love the scenery! It looks fantastic. For the SODE though, where exactly is the SODE XML file which needs to be removed? And what is the file named? Thanks!
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