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Posts posted by L1011-500

  1. Greetings,

    I have installed UGCX for about a week or two, it is so far so good, but I have run into a problem,

    when I try to get a push back for Aerosoft A32o family, when I ask for a push back at the gate the green menu bar keep telling me to remove the chocks, but after I have checked, the chocks are removed and yet the green bar still show remove the chocks, and it has only happened on Aerosoft Airbus, anyone have that problem as well?

    Angus Channing

  2. 9 minutes ago, ErichB said:

    Matt runs a support forum page on the PF website.  Best ask there.

    Yes, I have open a ticket and open a topic on report bug alreayd, but seems like no much people go on to the forum so I decided to ask on Avsim as well


    Hello, guys

    I have accidentally uninstalled the projectfly client app, and when I download the app installer it doesn't open and said

    This app can't run on your PC To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher

    Anyone have any ideas what to do?

    Happy flying



  4. 4 hours ago, downscc said:

    The SODE user manual infers that the platform manager obtains the paths from your windows registry.  Those are not paths to SODE; rather, they are paths to your installed location for P3D and it's program data folder. 

    If you are confident that your registry for P3D is correct then I'd try uninstalling SODE from Windows,which shouldn't remove any 3d party simobjects you have installed to the SODE program data folders, and then run the SODE installer to see if that corrects the platform pointers to P3D.

    I have done that also, but the registry still list my p3d file showwing in my c drive, do you know if there is any way that I can manually program the P3d path on SODE manager?

  5. On 5/27/2019 at 8:05 AM, virtuali said:

    This issue has been discussed and answered many times on our support forum, and it's caused by using a non-western OS (chinese or japanese, most likely). To fix it, change the "Language for non-Unicode programs" in the Windows Control Panel regional settings to "English".

    It works now thx so much

  6. 6 hours ago, SunDevil56 said:

    Based on the AFCAD in his screen shot I believe that's the default VHHH.

    If he's using the trial version of GSX i'm not sure you can customize parking or jetways at non FSDT airports, and that would explain why his screenshot is devoid of any gates or jetways.



    This is the status of my GSX which I bought it few days ago, I believe that this is the full version, right?

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