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  1. 1- Description of the problem GTN750 reports failed to import flight plan generated by Pilot2ATC 2- Information about what you were trying to do when you had the problem The plan exported by Pilot2ATC contains the following line: FPN/RI:DA:KDCA:D:DOCTR4.AGARD:R:01:AA:KJFK:A:CAMRN4.SIE(04L):AP:I04L The depart runway is 01, according to Garmin manual, it is missing a charactor: O 4-If an error message was displayed, a screenshot of the error message Upon importing the flight plan, GTN 750 prompts: "Flight plan import failed" 5- Flight Plan, if one in use If adding an 'O' to the plan as below (01O), the import works: FPN/RI:DA:KDCA:D:DOCTR4.AGARD:R:01O:AA:KJFK:A:CAMRN4.SIE(04L):AP:I04L
  2. @scottb613 and @RXP, I forgot to check back this thread. I meant to say I purchased RXP GTN 750 as well as Pilot2ATC, thus two copies of different software altogether. I am also not sure if this is the right forum for Pilot2ATC support. If not I better to find it somewhere else instead. As I mentioned in the above message, GTN 750 has ability to import plans, but Pilot2ATC generates a faulty one for me such that import to GTN 750 failed. I think Pilot2ATC should fix the problem.
  3. (I posted too soon to the threads you referred to here, hence duplicate) I appreciate the link and FYI I briefly searched forum before my post. My logic behind the post is simply to avoid having to understand the format details myself. I understand there may be a dispute in the content. I paid two copy of software, one exporting file for the second one to import. As an end-user, I should accept that RXP tells me that Pilot2ATC generates incorrect format, then I will turn to Pilot2ATC for help, in fact, for a bug fix request. Or Pilot2ATC said RXP is having issue. I just have to assume the file is generated by Pilot2ATC, the bug source. Please don't ask end-user to correct every generated flight plan. But I do find out from the Garmin manual section 2.3.1, after all, that Pilot2ATC is incorrectly generating route for departure runway. Garmin format specifies 01O (zero-one-O, not zero-one) for runway 01. 2.3.1 Departures In order to include a departure procedure in a flight plan, the following must be specified: :R: L=Left R=Right C=Center O=None specified or applies to multiple runways
  4. I appreciate the link and FYI I briefly searched forum before my post. My logic behind the post is simple to avoid having to understand the format details myself. I understand there may be a dispute in the content. I paid two copy of software, one exporting file for the second one to import. As an end-user, I can accept that RXP tells me that Pilot2ATC generates incorrect format, then I will turn to Pilot2ATC for help, in fact, for a bug fix request.
  5. I have PILOT2ATC created this plan, but GTN 750 prompts: Flight plan import failed FPN/RI:DA:KDCA:D:DOCTR4.AGARD:R:01:AA:KJFK:A:CAMRN4.SIE(04L):AP:I04L In the export config, I also tried disabling Import-Export SID/STAR/APPR Waypts initially, neither work.
  6. @RXP Hi, In the video description he mentioned GTN 750 along isn't sufficient. I wish to understand is that limitation only applies to real aircraft? As in the sim, many aircrafts equip autopilot equipments (e.g. (Premier 1A/Pro line 21)
  7. Is this temporary limitation? I saw a video (by Rmag) on Youtube, the pilot explains how GTN 750's VNAV works if "VNAV that is enabled when paired a the G500 TXi/G600 TXi, G500/G600 or G5".
  8. I found the VNAV settings in the user manual, Google search didn't return the latest version. My settings under AFMS are: Vertical Navigation Type: VNAV Transition To Approach: Enabled Still, passing TOD displayed on the map, the airplane doesn't begin to descend.
  9. Hi, I also like to know enabling 750 VNAV for X-plane (Carenado Premier 1A), as I have trouble to find the section you mentioned above. I didn't find AFMS keyword from the user manual: http://reality-xp.com/support/trainingcenter/userguides/manuals/Reality%20XP%20GTN%20Touch%20XPlane.pdf Search VNAV also returned nothing.
  10. My flight plan catalog menu shows two options only (Delete All / Delete Pending"), no Import, what am I missing here?
  11. I got mine working, finally Basically what I missed is the "Trainer" part (including database), from another thread, I saw those links, download them all and install, and voila, I see the GPS coming up nicely. Hope this is the same reason with everyone who got a blank screen.
  12. I bought GTN 750 but out of the box it doesn't work with Premier 1a, correctly it doesn't work for default planes. Not sure where is the problem.
  13. I bought the product yesterday and ran into the same issue, i.e. popup Window shows a blank screen. Reading through this thread I understand that my aircraft of choice may be an issue (Carenado Premier 1A), I tried default plane Cessna and Baron B58, still blank screen. In both cases, I have created RealityXP.GTN.defaults.ini file. In addition to this issue, the trainer download link missing is also a showstopper, as the installer gets stuck. I think a tutorial for Cessna 172sp should be in place so customers can validate their installations first before moving on to payware aircraft, which might cause unknown issues. Also, RealityXP can thus know customers have the right basics post installations.
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