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  1. Thank you very much for your quick response, I will try to see if I am able to do it. Greetings.-
  2. Is it possible to see the worldtrafic or xlife AI traffic, in xp11 ?. In Flightsim commander or PlanG. Thanks and best regards.
  3. Thank you very much for your support.
  4. Thank you very much for your support.
  5. Hi everyone, could you tell me what meshes, scenarios, orbx products, etc; Would you have to install so that P3d v4.5, remain as realistic as possible and the order in which you should install ?. Thank you very much for your attention. Greetings.-
  6. Incredible !!!!, that was, I had not deactivated, how silly I am ....., thank you very much for your help, I was going crazy; I said thank you very much for everything. Greetings.-
  7. First of all thank you for your help. Opening the LEPA scenario is no problem, zoom in, out, etc; Although I am a beginner in this program I do it, the problem is that the parked airplanes are not seen by default, I can only select land vehicles (tugboats, trucks etc.), therefore I cannot eliminate them. I do not know if it is because I do not know how to do it, or because that scenario is not opened correctly by the Overlay Editor, since when I opened it the first time he told me: Can't load airport data Can't read version 11.30 apt.dat flie in this package. Thank you very much for your attention.
  8. Thank you for answering, you would know some video tutorial on how to remove the planes concretely, since I am a little novice on these issues and I have no idea, how to do it.
  9. Hello again, I open the file, and I can see and modify various things, (runways, boarding gates, etc.), but I can't see the static planes that leave at the airport.
  10. Hello, greetings to all the components of this forum. I don't know if this will be the right place to ask the question, if it isn't, I apologize. The question is this: does anyone know how to deactivate AI traffic, which by default brings the Justsim LEPA scenario? Thank you very much and greetings.-
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