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Everything posted by Gonsey

  1. Thanks i will start linda first , if i uncheck start with sim will this also stop linda from starting again when i launch p3d. I have another question , when i have assigned everything i will use the maintainance tab to do a full back up , is says it will do fsuipc also. If at anytime i need to restore the back up to a new hard drive do i still need to install fsuipc 6 or does this get done using the linda restore from the back up.
  2. I have recently reinstalled my entire sim. Linda 3.22 Gui is not showing when i start p3d v4.5 so i cannot edit anything. I am running fsuip 6 and linda is installed in the following location C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6 P3d does say linda ready in the top left but no gui in the task bar or in task manager so i cannot open the window to change button assignments etc. Can anyone post what i need to do to fix this together with any adjustments to the start up line in fsuipc ini to fix this please
  3. I am running p3d v4.5 which has been running fine on triple 1080p monitors set up as 1 in nvidia surround getting 28fps on a 1080 ti and 7700k . I have just removed these monitors and replaced them with a Optoma gt1080 projector but am now only getting 7fps on the same PC . Nothing else has been changed , can anyone help.
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