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About Denwagg

  • Birthday 04/04/1955

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    Southern Indiana

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  1. Somethings I have noticed thru all of the versions in the past including beta. When taxi clearance is given to hold short on multiple runways ATC gives you clearance to cross only the first runway and then when you get to the takeoff runway if gives you clearance to cross that runway instead of holding short for Takeoff clearance. No biggie just thought you should know. Regards
  2. With the latest beta update and light loads 31000 lbs Im getting short duration climb rates on FLC of 10,000 FPM. That does not seem right
  3. Artifacts on standard planes (Caravan), had mouse lock up on new update. Msfs crashed in walk mode. Not ready for prime time
  4. Just click VS and roll the up/down button 1 click for each 100 ft Vertical velocity
  5. Remember how much faster the 3080 was going to be than the 2080? Smoke and Mirrors In real life increase in speed remains to be seen Regards
  6. Any Ideas how to use Pilot2atc in vr. Regards
  7. I made a video on how to get better sounds out of Pilot2ATC today. Hope you like it regards Dennis Waggoner
  8. http://50846642962_051a0b0493_o.jpg

    For your consideration




    1. Bad_T


      thank you for the precision, tbh the small icons were a choice i made because i wanted to minimize the space taken by the 'toolbar' so that more addons could be visible in the lists. everything is certainly a bit small, probably even more if you have a large resultion (im at 1920x1080 so it's okish for but for others with different resolutions maybe it's a bit too small)

      Adding preset buttons would certainly be useful but not so easy (they would have to be updated in the toolbar whenever a preset is changed and if you add lots of them the toolbar would run out of space and i would need to find a way to display them).

      i added both things in my list of things to consider, maybe i'll find some solutions. Thank you for your input.

  9. Not so much with the new 1.50 mod that just came out. Hope you try it. https://flightsim.to/file/3655/asobo-cessna-citation-longitude-flight-dynamics-modifications-project-version-1-0 Regards
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