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  1. The writing was on the wall unfortunately for a long time. Those who went ahead broke TOS and possibly a law or two and downloaded videos are fine those who did not.... there is a decent pool of videos now. on youtube. Too bad really, those videos were pretty well done. Shame that Ben lacked integrity and just cut and run vs trying to make up to the users.
  2. Did anyone encounter issues with AWS Polly voices not working with P2A and ways to fix them? P2A sees them just fine but when it comes to assigning them to different channels/controllers they start stop working at random. I can assing Poly for example to copilot but when I try to assign it to Clearance for example or ATC center it simply doesn't play back. But if I restart P2A few times it picks them up and plays them fine seemingly at random.
  3. Hmm I guess he didn't show up yet huh? Oh well what was released already was quite good. But honestly in the age of youtube I don't think I'll be spending any more money on this. V1, blackbox and flightdeck2sim have me covered pretty nicely.
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