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Posts posted by Mathias_K

  1. Dear all,

    since I got so precise and professional answers from your forum it seems that there are real Sim-Experts here.

    So possibly someone could kindly let me know the latest known status for the CTD issue when using the FSX menues.

    I am running the simulator on Win7 64bit and I am having the classic issue of CTD (or exceptional error) when I am opening the menus multiple time or click right mouse.

    I have tried many versions of uiautomationcore.dll

    first I had 6.0.6001.18000 - now I am using 6.0.5840.16386.

    It is of course in my FSX root - but I am still having those crashs.

    So thank you if someone can share the latest findings with this CTD - Menu issue.

    Best regards from Germany, Mathias

  2. p.s. I installed the scenery and it´s really well done. Congrats to the programmer.

    Still does anybody know how to what´s the cause for the crash anywhere at the parking field? Any time I start a flight, the plane crashes as soon as it touches the ground. I can disable ground crashes, but then FSPassengers don´t work. Has it something to do with a wrong elevation or is there an error in the programming?

  3. Hey Roman,

    thank you so much for sharing. I downloaded it and will install it tonight.

    Wow, it´s amazing how much details you all seem to know about your airports. I really respect this.

    I live directly nearby EDDF and can see my house from a real plane during approach of 25L. Still I don´t know so many details about the history of my own airport 🙂

    I wish you all the best with your (our) passion.

    Best regards

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  4. @fppilot: Thank you, so at least it seems I installed it correctly. I also installed the Alpha India Buildings... without success...

    @W2DR: Thank you for your warm welcome

    I really appreciate you cummunity and I share your spirit for Sim-Aviation, having a 460GB Installation of FSX with over 700 registred FS Passengers flights and a small desktop cockpit.

    I have created an Excel File, which randomly choses from which airport I have to fly to which - now it has chosen KGRB and I am almost always install a 3party scenery when I visit an airport... so I am looking for one.... 🙂


  5. Dear all,

    I hope this questions might be in the correct section - I didn´t see another matching one...

    I am trying to find a KGRB scenery. The one in the Avsim Library is great, but I have this issue with "having no walls" in the terminal building, where the gangways are.

    The whole building looks like a carport. A roof, but no walls. The rest of the scenery is fine.

    Then I bought Megaearthscenery Wisconsin. But the included scenery for KGRB was..... well, not quite nice.

    Then I heard about the Green Bay X Scenery from OZX - but nowhere in the whole net this work is available to get - only everyone says how great it is.

    It there anybody of you who can send me something usable? Maybe a solution for the missing walls or the OZX Version?

    Thank you all and happy flying!

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