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  1. OK thanks! I think I'll start with a Diamond DA20 Katana - I think I saw somewhere that Diamond will be working with MS on this so it makes sense that plane will be in there, right? Thanks for info on Airbus - yes I wondered if they may make all the cockpits/controls the same where possible, quite a modern approach I suppose. So would a fair progression be DA20 to a small Bomabdier private jet to a small commercial Airbus to a full sized Airbus? Thanks!
  2. OK thanks - I should copy and paste it into that forum?
  3. Howdy So I've always had a vague interest in flight sims but after seeing the previews for the upcoming Microsoft release, my interest is back! Questions on my mind: (i) is there a natural progression of planes to learn? (ii) Which is the best commercial airliner to learn that would give the best overall understanding of ALL the major airliners (big difference between Boeing and Airbus I assume?) (iii) Will Microsoft's flight sim support Bombadier private jets? (iv) Will it support fighter jets? Is that even allowed? (v) How about helicopters? I also have questions about how own goes about home cockpits but I'm sure there are thousands of threads about that so I will use the search function! Thanks Malthus101
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