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  1. Hi! Everybody I have a small problem of using the RADER SYS. in the Airbus A310-300. I can test the system using the sys. position 1 or 2by clicking the needle. and turning left the WX knob but can not get the weather pattern on the ND Thanks a lot for any tips.
  2. Hi!, All flight simmer out there please help me I am unable to bring any SIMBRIEF f/plan into the FMC of the new a320v2. However, I can import plans on the EFB Home page and work on some other pages but the FMC or MCDU whatever you call it. I put my pilot ID correctly in the EFB and in my SIMBRIEF Account USER name is different than the pilot ID although I tried the USR Name as well but did not work the FMC. Please kindly tell me if I have missed anything in setting. Thanks a lot
  3. Hello, Every hope you are enjoying the MODED Boeings after SU13. I find that in both BOEING Plane's FMC, One function does not work that is the SEND LSKEY or you may call it PERF/INIT command LSKEY. I find it always GRAYED not active Are there other flyers finding it inactive or not working? If any body find it works then please kindly share your command or trick here Thanks a lot
  4. Hello! Maany,many thanks for providing the VIDEO link. Regards
  5. Hi! Thank you so much again I have entered my SIMBRIEF ID in both in FMCs of both Boeings and it works partially, the ROUTE REQ. function works but the PERF INIT REQ. SEND function not work. However, I have at least put the IDs correctly with your help.
  6. No, I did not find any particular entry to put in, Please kindly give me some more details about where to put the Simbrief ID . In the SALTY MOD it ask automatically and a line appears where to put it. Thanks
  7. Hello! all flyers, As it is mentioned that a lot of AVIONICS improvement had gone into SU13 including B747 -8 ,B787-10 ete.ete.. I was trying to program a flight plan in the FMC of B747-8 using SIMBRIEF commands like REQUESTING to input the F/Plan and requesting INITS by clicking SEND button but it does not work, and a massage comes up "login to SIMBRIEF", Although, the Simbrief downloader constantly running and the F/Plan page is active as well. Since there is not any clues available it's difficult to work out how things work. I am wondering if any body knows the SIMBRIEF methods of how it works to setup a flight plan. Then please kindly share your tricks. Thanks a lot.
  8. H!, Everybody I am wondering if some body could come up with a few answers for me kindly. It's regarding the remote flight panels those are now available for MSFS2020, may be some simmers are using the APPs and they should know how to set up the rig with iPADS. All I want to find out, is, do I need to install all panel APPs (I want about 4 panel apps) in to ONE iPAD like HD COCKPIT , HD MAP, HD GLASS ete.or do I need to install each APP into each iPAD. seperetely. I watched a video but it did tell how to install the actual panel APPs. He explained nicely about installing the server and other program. With kind regards By the way I have 3 old iPADS
  9. World Update 13 is available for download
  10. Hello!, Every one I would like to share my SIMPUDATE problem here so may be some body could help me. I never had updating problem before since I installed very first time. I installed STEAM for some games that my grand son wanted to play about two months ago. Then yesterday when I started FS2020 the window come as normal for initial download for main UPDATE and at the very same time the STEAM window came as well asking to enter password for it, when password entered id did not work - the flight sim window shows error. I new it would not work because my MSFS2020 version is NOT either from STEAM or from MS STORE - it is DVD BOXED VERSION then I removed STEAM from my PC and tried to log in to MS STORE to SING OUT THEN AGAIN SIGN IN but no luck I signed out but can not sign in again and MS STORE is also messed up now and now it takes ages to load and it does not show my installed games or any APPs I had. So please if some body have any tips to help me please do. Thanks
  11. Hi!, I am wondering that when most of the GA aircrafts and recent Airbus A310-300 have their interiors modelled nicely that I can see youtuber's videos but when I try to get inside the cabin of an aircraft I can not. Even some third party MODs creators they do not provide any clue about how to view their works in the cabins. I can only recall that a MOD for TBM930 was created with one or two extra buttons to get inside cabin, unfortunately that mod does not work with the current version of MFFS2020. I assume a lot of simmers enjoying cabin view NODS, So I shall be obliged if any body kindly tell me the tips or tricks then I can enjoy like others. Thanks a lot
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