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Posts posted by Kpeters

  1. 14 hours ago, ckyliu said:

    Yay, seems I can keep my overclocked 2500K because it CPU Marks quite close to the recommended i5 8400 and even at stock it will almost match the minimum 4460. So if everything remains reliable, I'm golden for at least a mid-tier experience.

    At what clock are you running yours? My 2500k is running at 4.4. (NVM seen you already answered above).

  2. 18 hours ago, Mucker said:

    If only our post modernist architects would take note. London is a collection of eye sores.

    Postmodernism is the worst or one of the worse trends in design and architecture. Things that make no sense, odd mashup of styles. Bothers me plenty.

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  3. On 3/30/2020 at 3:57 PM, GlideBy said:

    The CPU speed should be in your dxdiag file.  And most that have signed up haven't been chosen.  Over 43,000 people have signed up.  That is a huge number of people that want in.

    Yeah but sadly it reads only the original speed not the o.c. speed I checked it out. Anyway... you are right there's just too many people trying to get in.

  4. 17 hours ago, simtom said:

    March 12th, 2020 Development Update




    Has anyone actually absorbed the amount of detail that's in this shot? Not only the aircraft but the small terminal at Sirena, Costa Rica. It's just a grass strip with a range station in the middle of nowhere! You can read the posters, all signs, there's luggae. It's crazy. Absolutely love it I'm aching to fly the alpha.

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  5. 23 hours ago, Claviateur said:

    It's not more work at all, it's automated. In fact we do this for the other simulator with a 3rd part app that generates photoreal/orthophoto scenery for any region of the world (as long as you have space on your disks). This tool has many options for many things concerining the photoreal scenery, including the automatic addition of a "decal" layer (sand, rocks, grass etc.). 

    It's not possible to load better textures because the Aerial imagery is not consistent. Some areas have Zoom levels that go up to 19 other remote areas have much less... Yet even if the entire planet enjoys the maximum zoom level (possible resolution) of imagery, streaming and storing it would be an issue...

    I uploaded the screenshot again. It shows the automated "Decal" texture application on aerial imagery in the other simulator:




    Had to look at if on my cellphone for some reason! But wow yeah the MSFS pic is way way better than the Bing Imagery.

  6. 7 hours ago, Shack95 said:

    I thought this was the case until just a minute ago when I noticed some discrepancies between Bing Maps and MSFS in one of the latest screenshots which I think is a clear indication that they have other imagery at their disposal. Compare the parked cars, the football field markings on the right or the field on the left.





    The links to the pictures show as broken to me, but that's interesting.

    1 hour ago, Claviateur said:

    Yes as mentioned above, among other things, what we call "decals" in the other simulator are transparent and crisp sand, rock etc textures are used to create a crisper effect over the low res aerial imagery.

    I suppose a similar automated/procedural technique is used in MSFS...


    That should be a relief though sounds like more work for asobo, wouldn't it be easier just to load better textures and keep super detailed ones for airports? Just a thought.

  7. Ever since I got into VR I've been a Google Maps junkie going all around the world checking things out. I always wanted a flightsim that could stream those images as we fly so MSFS2020 is heaven sent in that aspect.


    What I do wonder is the following, are Asobo using the same imagery as regular Bing Maps? I've seen that there are very grainy textures on some of the alpha screenshots and I see it's all because of Bing. 


    Check out these images of google earth vs bing at Downtown L.A. Google is so so much better and the program in VR works flawlessly on olderhardware.


    Seriously hoping we have something better than Bing regular. Thoughts?



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