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  1. https://prnt.sc/cExVLJeKS9Q9 Whenever using the FSLabs boarding tool using stairs, the crew spawns very far away and starts walking towards the aircraft, takes about 25 mins for them to get here. Thank you
  2. Hi I already set it to false when installing Reshade. So It does not solve the issue Thank you
  3. I also tried reinstalling the sim to a different drive, as the problem started after I reinstalled the sim from my C to my D drive. I removed all addons for these reinstalls and nothing worked. I do not understand how a menu goes invisible. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Yuval
  4. Hi! After freshly reinstalling P3D v5.3 HF2, whenever I try to open an in-sim menu such as the GSX, SODE or ATC menu, they will not show up. When opening the GSX menu and clicking in the general area of the menu, I do get a response in the simulator (i.e the stairs operate) but the menu is invisible so It's impossible to operate. I tried searching various forums about the topic and tried doing the following: - Reinstalling the sim again and again and reinstalling the client - Using the Delete generated files.exe - Reinstalling GSX, SODE Of course, none of the above worked… Any help is appreciated Thank you!
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