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Everything posted by CWHeadley

  1. I was wondering if the Pilot2ATC software is dead? I installed the software again and it still had my license, but when I tried to 'validate' the license, it returned a "license Activation Failed: InvalidLicenseKey" I redid my computer and as a consequence, lost the email that had my license validation. I went to the web site and it said to recover license information, I should send an email to 'admin@pilot2atc.com'. The only response I get from this email address is a <admin@pilot2atc.com>: host mx00.ionos.com[] said: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (in reply to RCPT TO command) is there somewhere else I can go to recover my license? Is this software dead and am I out the price I paid for the pro license?
  2. I have been unable to find the answer to this so hopefully someone here will know. I just received my H.O.T.A.S. X52 flight system. https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/space/x52-space-flight-simulator-controller.945-000025.html When I load in My MSFS2020 Flight Simulator, the sim finds the system just fine. I load in an aircraft (say the TBM 930) and when it loads in, I am able to use the default settings on the joystick and throttle. The problem begins when I try to customize the buttons and hatswitch. I make any change to the controller at all, and the x52 stops working. The stick and throttle just stop working. I tried going back to the default profile, but that doesn't help. The only way to get the X52 to work again is to delete the custom profile, close the down the sim and then restart the sim. I'm baffled here.
  3. Never mind. I figured it out. I just needed to restore the defaults for P3D
  4. Hello everyone. I was installing Chase Plane into My P3D v4.5 and a number of the keyboard shortcuts were getting in the way. So I started removing the ones I don't use (which is quite a lot of them). I think I deleted the " Shift+8" keyboard assignment. As you know, that assignment turns on the popup for setting the Aircraft State. Needless to say, I can't do that now So, if you have this aircraft, can someone look to see what command this shortcut launches so I can put it back in the keyboard assignments profile. I've even gone so far as to delete the carenado folder and reinstalled it. That didn't seem to work.
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