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  1. Depends on the card he gets. And at higher resolutions the GPU will bottleneck.
  2. Another option is to use world planner for IFR route and then start flight and ask ATC for vectors to next waypoint. Works great I use it all the time. Just keep an eye on the map for next waypoint and manually turn to heading. ATC will give vectors all the way to destination.
  3. Try the in game world planner and see if that loads flight plans. Nothing wrong with them.
  4. Happens at different times of flight, seems random.
  5. I constantly get the GEN1 error during flight. Sometimes it goes off on its own but returns randomly. Anyone have any ideas why this keeps happenings?
  6. Fly the 737 with drop tanks!!!
  7. Deluxe comes with the 787
  8. Change the SIDS in the flight planner. Select a specific runway and it should adjust the SID accordingly.
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