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Posts posted by sbczyz

  1. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I can’t get her to climb.

    I took off from KJFK on my way to KDCA, and she stopped climbing around 3500. Alt was set at 320, there were no alt restrictions in the plan, no faults on CAS, everything done by the checklists.

    If I put the throttles in Toga I could get her up to 8500, but no more. I had the AP engaged in Speed and Nav modes, and I tried changing my target airspeed but no joy.

    Even disconnecting the AP, if I pitched up at all I’d just lose airspeed (and eventually altitude).

    I suspect that you went to the settings menu or paused using the ESC key at some point. This does weird things in MSFS as recorded in detail elsewhere ie full flaps engaged and invisible speedbrakes activated. Deactivate the speedbrakes using keyboard command (Num / in my set up) and you should be able to get to speed and climb.

  2. I've been using REX from the beginning and with the updates I use it all the time when I do flight planning based on current weather conditions. FPS takes a hit with weather updates but the weather's accuracy is much more dependable than with default and gradual transitions help with the immersion immensely. When I'm flying VFR and don't care about current weather accuracy I will use default weather and enjoy it. I recommend REX.

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  3. Yup - none of the detents lined up and putting the throttle to idle (not reverse) nevertheless was interpreted as reverse. I did a lot of fiddling and redownloaded (updated) drivers and it works again. I can't be sure what it was that fixed it but these settings might be the difference:

    Sensitivity -     88%

    Sensitivity +    - 62%

    D Zone           4%

    Neutral            50%

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