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  1. Thank you very much. Yeah, you're right. Subsequently I checked the main activesky page and saw that ASE supports both fs9 and fsx. by the way, many thanks for your attention. Regards, Batur
  2. Hello ubersu, Like you said, if ASE or AS2012 seem to be the only remedy to fix this problem since they operate quiet well then let me ask you this, do any of these ASE or AS2012 support FS2004 ? ASv6 is 4 hours behind unexpectedly.
  3. Why does Active Sky authorities preserve their silence ? What's the problem ? At least you may announce that yes there is a problem or not. Then we can continue to follow our own way. But please take our comments into consideration and say something. Having a technical problem and stating that for all of AS fans including me is not a bad thing. please, thanks
  4. ok then so it is not something caused by any of my faulty action or not being able to update the ASv6 to ASv6.5. It is basically the server connections hence the internet. I just opened the ASv6 now and here is just one sample: Local Date/Time: 4/9/2012 21:41 System Zulu Date/Time: 4/9/2012 18:41Z Active wx: 091253Z Online Mode Weather update completed Closest Station Report: LTBA/0nm LTBA091320Z 01012KT 340V060 9999 -SHRA FEW013 BKN033 BKN090 09/05 Q1006 NOSIG Is this normal ? [
  5. Does any body know about the kernel32.dll error on fs9 ? It does not happen or appear all of a sudden but, sometimes let's say if i stay at the gate in an idle position with my A320 of the wilco evolution series for about 30 mins or 1 hour and sometimes tend to make some spot views by panning around the aeroplane, it may happen to appear that kernel32.dll error occurs and CTD the FS9. Does anyone have any opinion ? Thanks, Regards, Batur
  6. Hi there, I need somebody's help regarding my problem and maybe other users are facing off this problem too. I have been receiving old data from the servers of hifiim for couple of weeks when I open the programme. It keeps providing with the very old data and does not download the latest metar, therefore regardless of wherever I am, I am always 3 or 4 hours behind the correct latest metar time which is calculated in Zulu. Here is an example. At LTBA (Istanbul Ataturk Airport) The the local time is 21.00 so the zulu is -3 behind which is 18.00Z but the metar that was provided by AS is from 09.20Z or something like that and it does not update. Is there a general problem with the servers or is it that I have to upgrade the programme where there is no chance or hope anymore of using my ASv6. The programme version I use is ASv6 not the ASv6.5. I would appreciate it very much if someone could help me with any ideas. Regards, Batur
  7. Hi there, I need somebody's help regarding my problem and maybe other users are facing off this problem too. I have been receiving old data from the servers of hifiim for couple of weeks when I open the programme. It keeps providing with the very old data and does not download the latest metar, therefore regardless of wherever I am, I am always 3 or 4 hours behind the correct latest metar time which is calculated in Zulu. Here is an example. At LTBA (Istanbul Ataturk Airport) The the local time is 21.00 so the sulu is -3 behind which is 18.00Z but the metar that was provided by AS is from 09.20Z or something like that and it does not update. Is there a general problem with the servers or is it that I have to upgrade the programme where there is no chance or hope anymore of using my ASv6. The programme version I use is ASv6 not the ASv6.5. I would appreciate it very much if someone could help me with any ideas. Regards, Batur
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