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Posts posted by daparkerSD

  1. A light bulb went off in my head and thought that it might be a key binding issue with one of my controllers. More specifically, the magneto left-right-both-start switches on my Honeycomb Alpha yoke. And indeed that was the issue. If I turned the switch to both, the engines fired and caught!  So I removed all those bindings from the Alpha and I have a functioning Traveller. Now, finally, I can start flying that bird. 

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  2. No matter what I do, I can't get either engine to start in the Tecnam. Fuel selectors in the proper positions (left on left, right on right).   Followed the checklists, started each aux fuel pump, verified fuel PSI in the green, clicked off. Clicked the ignition switch, fuel PSI in the green, pushed the starter button. Engine cranks but never catches. Same for both engines. I'm at a complete loss. Can anyone figure out why my engines won't start?


    I figured out my problem,  see my post below. 

  3. EDIT: Issue Resolved


    Sorry if this has been asked and answered but I am new to X-Plane. I just installed the Reality-XP GTN 750 into X-Plane. Activating it through the plug in menu brings the 750 up in a separate window but leaves the default GTS 530 in the 3-D panel. I thought the activation would replace the unit in the panel. How do I accomplish this? Is there some ini edit that I must do?



  4. I just acquired the Logitech Multipanel device and noted that the CRS control operates only on the OBS for VOR 1. With the planes I fly, I have no need for an Auto throttle. Is it possible with Axis and Ohs to remap the autothrottle switch to selection of the VOR1 or VOR 2 for the CRS change?

  5. I purchased the Carenado Mooney for MSFS and started it up. I started the Avionics and everything came on. Beautiful panel.  Within 5 minutes all avionics died. No Garmin and no NAVCOM radios. Nothing. Attempts to restart them were fruitless. I restarted MSFS and restarted a flight with the Mooney. The avionics now would not turn on at all. I had nothing connected other than Alpha yoke, TM TQ and TM rudder pedals. Any thoughts?

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