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Posts posted by kakihara123

  1. 19 hours ago, Virtual-Chris said:

    For those of you using default ATC, what is stopping you from using something like Pilot2ATC… Cost? Complexity? Don’t care about accuracy/immersion?

    Because they all suck, plain and simple. FSHud has several drawbacks that might improve in the future, but make it unusable now. Every other Software can't control AI traffic and that is a deal breaker for me. 
    Apart from that they are old and ugly and clunky... so no alternative really. 

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  2. I don't really care about the product but I find this part of the description amusing: "No need to go and look for birds; it will be the birds coming to look for you"

    I just imagine some Alfred Hitchcock like suicide birds dive bombing your plane as soon as you load into the sim with blood everywhere and destroyed windows. Maybe add some dramatic music on top? 

    • Like 1

  3. 3 minutes ago, DAD said:

    Maybe that’s the AI part of DLSS and we just need to use DLSS more than just once or twice so AI learns more and better how to improve the picture? 

    As far as I understand it DLSS gets trained before it gets implemented. I doubt anything we do will influence it. No idea if Microsoft can do much about how it works. They can give feedback to Nvidia for sure however and they can then improve it. I bet Nvidia is also very interested in the Data from a flightsim because that is way more complex then any game that used it yet. 
    Apart form the blurry displays, trees seem to be pretty hard for it when they are far away, which doesn't surprise me at all. 

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  4. Tested a bit around with DLSS again. In the Milviz C310R the blurry displays are not a problem, because the GPS is still readable and the other gauges are fine. Trees have some artifacts from higher up. However I throttled my framerate to 24 in SteamVR before and now managed to increase that to 36, which is a lot smoother. Didn't go higher yet and I'm just doin a longer flight to see how it goes...but that is nice. Might even be worth the blurry displays in the Fenix. But no sure yet. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, ca_metal said:

    Not necessarily. Ray tracing is costly for the GPU. Most GPUs run MSFS just fine. I’m pretty sure those 45 fps are made using only a fraction of the GPU power.


     What I mean is, most of the GPUs will be able to run Ray Tracing and still get those 45 fps. The real problem right now is the main thread. 

    E.g. My GPU can run at 60 fps using 30% of its power.

    Raytracing absolutely hammers your GPU. And with MSFS there is a huge potential for it to look insanely good... and to be really really hard on your GPU. 

  6. 1 minute ago, TravelRunner404 said:

    Yeah this seems to be the common review showing up over the last hour or so.  I guess I’ll stop worrying about the fact that DLSS won’t show up for me under any circumstances.  I tried everything in the book for driver uninstalls, etc.  No go with my 3090.  Probably not a big deal since the sim is more or less fine and was only hoping for a VR improvement where it seems worse.

    Did you look under Anti Aliasing? I initiale looked for a separate option, since that is the way most games do it. DLSS was a gamechanger for my on Cyperpunk 2077, where it doubled my FPS. But the FPS tanked in the first place because of raytracing. So DLSS might still be somewhat worth it for that if they implement it. But the need to find a way to enhance the display sharpness while DLSS is enabled.

  7. The DLSS implementation is....not good. I got a 5800x and a 3080 with an Index and displays are much sharper with TAA even on quality with DLSS. It did not affect it that much on the C310 and I did not go in depth regarding FPS, but with thee Fenix DLSS is useless since it is always much more blurry. 
    The one other thing that was important for me is the VR toolbar window fix. While it is improved, since the windows are bigger when opened, they still don't remember size and position and close every time you disable VR. So that is very half assed. The main issue is exactly as it was before. 

    • Like 2

  8. 42 minutes ago, SquadronLeader said:

    just submitted it as a request - and when I went to review my activities - the status was shown as 'solved' - only two minutes after submission. So, I guess it has not, or will not be read.

    Afaik this suggestion has already been made somewhere on the official forums. Hat could explain it. But I would think they would explain that it is a duplicate request. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Scottoest said:

    I don't really see it as a high priority, but I don't find it strange that someone would like their pilot to occupy physical space in the sim so they can walk around and inspect stuff as a digital person.  If it helps with immersion, then it's worth considering.

    Again - not at the top of my TO DO list, but no harm in putting it on there either.

    Especially in VR. Half Life Alyx does it very well. You would think having only hands ruins immersion, but it is quite the opposite, since the janky arms are worse. I don't know who good hand tracking is supported, but I think about getting the Pimax Crystal that has it and that could be pretty cool combined with my warthog.

    Motion trackers on the body could also remove some of the jank of the body movement. A simple thing that could be done is starting from a parked plane in the hangar and loading in boxes of cargo yourself into the plane when using Onair or something like that. This could also influence the CG of the plane depending on how you load it all up. Or opening the doors with you hands and better animated passengers getting in and sitting down. Again, there are far more important things atm, but this could one day be done. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, rjquick said:

    What's really an immersion killer is that you can just hop to any of these planes and fly them without getting any training or certification first. FS2020 should require that you pick a plane and then go through the proper training and testing for that type to get a certificate before allowing solo flight.

    Sure, I'm being sarcastic, but people want/demand 'realism and immersion', but only the parts of it that they personally want. "The wheel wells are blurry and the toilet doesn't flush!! I can't fly this nonsense!!".

    Onair has a light version of that. If you want to use a new type of plane on one of the harder difficulties you need to do a short checkride. Some climbing, leveling off and then a slow 360 degree turn just above stall speed at altitude. It is actually not that easy. Many people want enhanced career modes. 

    • Like 1

  11. 35 minutes ago, GSalden said:

    I am still not interested in these “toy” features. There a multiple issues that need to be fixed. And multi monitor would be very welcome.

    Already you can go around the ac …

    Left or right : we decide nothing . It’s MS/Asobo who decides.



    Why do you keep calling those features toys? That is simply wrong. I also don't care about any multi monitor support, since for me VR is far superior. But that doesn't mean I don't understand people wanting that. Also who said anything about the order features should be implemented? For me a proper ATC is the most important thing atm. And remembering the position and size of toolbar windows when switching VR on and off. Also auto assigning control profiles to aircraft. A body to move around in the world should not have a high priority, but for me it would be a more important addition then multi monitor support. But that is logical, when I only use VR and one monitor...

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  12. 10 minutes ago, Maladoror said:

    I would like the ultimate (or meta sim, is that the term now?). I would like to be flying and look down and see a train with a gamertag chugging along the tracks. How about being able to walk onto a someone else's plane and becoming a passenger or their copilot. I want to see it all in the sim. Of course, this would be after the flying portion was perfected. Guess this will always be just a dream.

    Ha.. why stop there. Include truck, tram, cable car, bus,  normal car driving... I mean it is kind of the obvious solution that somewhere in the future there is not a different program for each and every sim. It makes sense to combine them. Why not see an F1 race from above in a helicopter that is driven by real people?

    To be clear, the tech is nowhere near there, but it is also possible for sure. The passenger aspect is also interesting. I wanted to show my parents MSFS in VR but the build in AI is to bad to actually fly the plane. So choosing any flight in the world and let them walk through the airport and board the plane (and getting rid of pesky real life stuff like security checks) would be pretty cool. Use them Jumpseat on a plane controlled by a player... to learn something. The possibilities are basically endless. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, tup61 said:

    What stutters, exactly? In the speech of the fps? I have asked about losing connection with ATC on the official FSHud forum and if they can promise this will be solved. I can live with all other problems and missing features but this is the MAIN reason for me still sitting on the fence. Once this is solved (or if a 100% solution is promised) I think I'll buy this.

    The AI aicraft movement. 

  14. I also think this is pure snake oil. It's a bit like looking at Chrome ram usage in Task Manager and thinking it actually uses all of the reserved ram. If there is a real ram leak this would only be temporary anyway. Then the cause needs to be fixed. But I never noticed any ram leak in MSFS anyway. 


  15. 1 hour ago, tup61 said:

    If you do, please let us know what you think of it! I am leaning towards getting it more and more... To me it does seem to have some big advantages over the default ATC and things can only get better, you'd think. Maybe I'll pull the trigger too this weekend.

    Just watched a streamer using it. The stutters are very noticeable and the atc forgetting about you if you deviate from the route is also confirmed. For me that's a dealbreaker. But I'll follow the development and see if/when stuff like that will be improved. 

  16. Also... why should there not be a combination of a train sim and a flight sim in some distant future? I mean trains itself are on the roadmap. Fully simulated trains should be possible in the engine itself. And they want to improve the sim on the ground for helicopters. How much and if it is enough isn't clear of course. You can argue how much improvement that would bringt for the flight sim aspect.... but for the train sim? The whole world? I bet there are many people that would absolutely love that. 

    And speaking of the ground. I often ride up the virtual version of Alpe D'huez in Zwift. I was a bit disappointed that the iconic bends are mostly missing in the sim.

  17. 6 minutes ago, JRBarrett said:

    The Hotstart Challenger 650 in X-Plane (which has its own custom “walk” mode), has pitot tube and AOA covers, and gear downlock pins. If you forget to remove them during preflight, there will be consequences - gears won’t retract, airspeed inop etc.

    That is not unique. What I'm talking about is a random chance because you are not the only one but a potential mechanic that might have forgotten it. I just recently saw a video of an incident with that exact scenario happening. I think 3 different people oversaw forgotten pitot covers in an airliner. Chances should be very low so it would be realistic. I like that more planes are doing stuff like that now like the Milviz C310R. But yeah... the Hotstart would be something they really should port to MSFS. Pretty awesome plane. 

  18. 48 minutes ago, micstatic said:

    I get your point that it would have an appeal.  Though for me something like that I'd lose interest in after the first couple times

    Now imagine things on the outside of the plan actually braking. Like a broken fanblade, da forgotten pitot tube cover, a flat and stuff like that, where you actually have to pay attention. Sure a walkaround is pointless and boring if everything always works... but this way it would be just important as in RL. (aside from dying ofc)

    • Upvote 1

  19. 2 minutes ago, GSalden said:

    You too much see it as a toy in my opinion while I see it as a Flightsim. I want to use checklists, use real routes etc. I do not want a lot of imagination in a Flightsim.

    But my opinion is that I do not care for all these extras…

    Everyone the way he/she likes it.
    If you didn’t already know that…


    On the contrary. Because I take it serious immersion is extremely important. Atm the world is dead. Yes there are planes and some boats and ... well lets not talk about the ground traffic. But what do you see when you fly a plane in real life? People. There are bikes, cars, boats, Trains, pedestrians and so on. Yeah you rarely see those from an Airliner perspective, but in GA or a helicopter? No problem. If you start in a glider why not have several people on the ground watching you and operating the winch? So I really recommend you to think about what simulation truly means. 

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