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  1. If Simbrief's intention was to have the radio callsign in the callsign box would their description not be different than: To me the above sounds like Simbrief caters for airlines with a difference between Flightnumber and Callsign (7839 vs 78VA). Otherwise it wouldn't be a combination of Airline + flightnumber in the callsign box.
  2. Firstly great work on keeping the regular updates / fixes coming! I had a read through the recent changelogs and stumbled upon the updated callsign logic. To my understanding it seems like this logic isn't 100% correct (or maybe I am misunderstanding Simbrief and happy to be corrected!). If I have the following flight: U2 7839 // EJU 78VA (easyJet Europe flight 7839) I fill in Simbrief flightplan as follows: Airline: U2 Flight number: 7839 Callsign: EJU78VA But according to the 7E logic this would result in the following P2A callsign: U2 7839. Shouldn't logic be: If callsign is available shouldn't it always take that field as priority? So first 3 characters as Airline lookup code and the rest as flight / tail number in P2A?
  3. Ah okay, I didn't know it was common practice to include SIDs/STARs in a real world flight plan. I learned something new! I will try this next flight and see if that works how you just explained it to me. Thanks a lot!
  4. Hey Dave, as always, thanks for your detailed answer! My understanding was, from the manual, that the option "force Star assignment" cancels the behaviour of the intercept angle limit. Is this incorrect? What is P2A's behaviour when the approach it wants to assign me doesn't match with the transition point in my flightplan? I never included SID and STAR in my flightplan so it remains "dynamic" and a bit more realistic as I'd only know the STAR once ATC assigns it.
  5. Pilot2ATC keeps giving me unwanted approach vectors with the following settings enabled in the Flt Pln tab: ATC assigns SIDs ATC assigns STARs ATC Assigns approaches Force STAR assignment The rest of the setting are unticked. I load a flight plan into my ATC, start flying it and a little bit before decent it informs me of the the STAR to expect. I input the STAR, start flying it and sometimes ATC informs me I am off course and need to follow heading X to return to the route without STAR. (I ignore that when it happens). When I am at towards the end of my STAR it suddenly starts giving me vectors rather than letting me fly the approach which transition. E.g.: Flight from KCRW - KMCO with SNFLD2 STAR and ILS36R approach (which even has a valid transition). This is why I have force STAR enabled in the hope it will stop giving me vectors while there is a STAR > Approach.
  6. Voice Load Error. Attempt to use voice ZiraPro failed. Please set the Center voice to a different one. System.ArgumentException: Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled. at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name) at P2A2021.modTTSGlobal.PlayATCPhrase(String Phrase, Boolean Publish, Boolean PlayBkgnd, String SugResp, EventHandler`1 SpeakCompleteEventHandler) Voice Load Error. Attempt to use voice CereVoice Jack failed. Please set the Center voice to a different one. System.ArgumentException: Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled. at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name) at P2A2021.modTTSGlobal.PlayATCPhrase(String Phrase, Boolean Publish, Boolean PlayBkgnd, String SugResp, EventHandler`1 SpeakCompleteEventHandler) I found the errors when trying to play the voices that don't work.
  7. Okay. I'll try that. But could you point me to the logfiles and application configuration files as well so I can do a "clean install" of Pilot2ATC? Thanks!
  8. When I "test" the voices I can hear all of them just fine. So the voices do work. And at the start of the flight P2A did use those voices for the different ATC frequencies. After a while it just stopped using them and using a default fallback voice. Where are the logfiles? Where is the application configuration saved so I can remove P2A and do a "fresh" installation with a "fresh" configuration.
  9. Update: I enabled the "Display random voice assignments" and apparently it has assigned one of the new voices yet it plays a different voice. See image below. How do I find out why it displays a different voice?
  10. I have bought two cereproc voices yet P2A just uses whatever voice it feels like using. See my settings below. Yet after switching to a couple of different ATC frequencies it uses a voice that is NOT in the random voice list. First it works fine yet after switching to a couple of different ATC frequencies it uses a voice that is NOT in the random voice list. Have I now spent money on voices that won't work reliably either or am I doing something wrong @Dave-Pilot2ATC
  11. I've never had them stop working during a flight, but they only seem to work about 25% or less when I start up P2A. And most of the time they don't work even if I restart the application 5 times.
  12. Tried that, didn't really seem to make a difference. I wonder if the big issue is the fact it's cloud based rather than anything else.
  13. Unfortunately this only solved the issue partially. The keys became available but P2A didn't "grab" the inputs so it didn't work, even if I had the sim window or P2A active. Something completely different: is it possible to use something like a type functionality for situations where you want to be routed to a different airport but "SayIt" doesn't offer the option to choose anything else than destination and "PTT" is not an option?
  14. Thanks for the suggestion! Is the setup really difficult and fiddly? And do they work 100% or do you still have the occasional reboot of P2A? If they're really stable and work consequently I might try it out as well.
  15. I'll give that a go, I might have misinterpreted that option. I'll update here.
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