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  1. Thank you, much clearer now much appreciation for your response.
  2. Thank you so much for that infomation.
  3. As title what does it mean and when should it be used.? I have googled it but still confused. I can land perfectly ok using ILS, I struggle a bit on visual.
  4. There is a little green dot (A320 NEO) on the speed bar does it mean recommended speed or some thing else ? TIA
  5. Thanks for that information 👍
  6. Is there a cockpit screen available on the NEO to view weather ? How do pilots know where the weather patterns are ? TIA
  7. So it's not me that was getting wrong according to the video the sim is not always correct, however after watching the video it is now much clearer what I need to be doing.
  8. Whow thanks for this so glad I joined this forum,brilliant.
  9. I get into a problem when descending and climbing with auto pilot on. I cannot work out the correct procedure for the controlled climb and descent procedure, sometimes I get it right it will climb and descend at the rate of climb or descent I choose or it seems to have a mind of its home, now I suspect there is a correct procedure to get the aircraft to climb as I want it to. I have sometimes not been able to to stop a rapid descent ending with a crash. Turning the auto pilot off and pulling back on the joy stick sometimes is no help at all. What am I doing wrong ?
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